sweet // yuuji

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okay i just realized i never made one for him, so here i am, writing fluff for this golden retriever of a boy.

warnings: afab reader, cursing, typos,


it was a day like any other (not really), and you were just sitting on a bench at jujutsu tech. you had arrived some time ago after being sent overseas for a solo mission. it was nice being alone for a while, but after some time it got boring. you wished megumi had been sent with you. he was the only other person in your class and your only friend, so it would have been nice to have him around.

after being alone for so long, you wanted to spend some time with megumi or at least get the chance to greet him, but you were met with silence when you arrived. it was around 6 in the evening when you had arrived, so you didn't expect anybody to be walking around at this time, but it would have been nice if SOMEBODY had remembered the day of your return.

you'd been on that bench for at least 25 minutes, waiting for something or someone, but nobody came. not even any upperclassmen. frustrated and a little sad, you finally stood to head to your room. or you would have, before a hand suddenly gripped your wrist.

shocked, you quickly turned and slapped whoever had grabbed your wrist before looking at who it was. when you finally saw, you gasped. "megs! oh my god i'm so sorry- i didn't know who you were when you grabbed me like that- i'm so sor--"

you were cut off by him pulling you into a bone-crushing but. "it's fine. i'm just glad you're back safe."

with a smile, you wrapped your arms around him as well and closed your eyes to enjoy the moment. after a few seconds, you opened your eyes to pull away from the hug, only to find two new pairs of eyes watching you.

"megumi, who are those people..." you asked, feeling suddenly insecure.

he smiled and turned to look at them. "(y/n), this is kugisaki nobara and itadori yuuji. they're our new classmates."

with an awkward smile, you waved at them. "oh, hey. i didn't know we were getting new classmates."

with you last statement, your expression turned more angry and you shot gojo a look. he simply smiled and stepped forward. "don't be so mean. i thought you'd like a surprise for when you return." he cheered.

"if it was a surprise, i'd liked it to have been WHO the students are, not that they exists." you argued.

he laughed, making you more mad, but the voice of one of the students stopped you before you could hurt gojo.

"hi! i'm yuuji." he smiled. "i'm glad i got a chance to meet you. fushiguro said you have a tendency to lock yourself in your room when you're upset, and since we were running late-"

"he said WHAT?!" you shrieked, turning to megumi. "i might as well slap you again!"

megumi would have said something, if not for the girl stepping forward and taking your hands in hers. "oh thank goodness there's another girl here! i can just tell we'll be the best of friends- i was beginning to worry i would have to suffer with these boys for forever."

you laughed for a moment before finally smiling again. "i hope we get along well. you too yuuji."


it was now the week after you had met yuuji and nobara. you had spent a lot of time shopping with nobara since you'd met her. she was a blast to be around and you were glad she was here since megumi never wanted to shop with you.

yuuji had also spent a lot of time with you, though it was mostly at night when you were too sleep deprived to filter your thoughts. most of the time you would end up saying things to him you wouldn't dare say, not even to megumi. some things you said were embarrassing, but most of the time you'd end up having long conversations about the universe and fate.

the fact that yuuji had been so willing to have conversations like that with you meant a lot, and it made you feel as though your connection was already very strong with him. in fact, you were afraid you were beginning to develop feelings for him. after all, you spent at least 4 hours together every day regardless of time and he was very charming (in his own way). how could you not fall?

it wasn't until it had been almost two weeks since you had met him that you acted on your feelings. it was another late night as always, and the both of you were snacking on some candy as you spoke. he was kind of staring into nothingness while he spoke, but you were completely enamored.

you watched as his lips moved to form words and how his nose would twitch on certain words, as if adding emphasis. you stared into his brown eyes, searching them for a sign. not any sign in particular, just a sign. you stared at his pink hair, analyzing it's shape and volume.

he lifted another piece of candy to his mouth and you watched his jaw as he chewed and spoke at the same time. it was a miracle he hadn't looked over at you, because you were practically drooling. the both of you were in your pajamas, but his consisted of a thin tank top and pants with cartoons on them. you watched as the muscles in his arm ripples when he reached out to pick another piece of candy and lifted it to his mouth. oh, his mouth.

his pale pink lips looked so soft, you almost wanted to reach out and just feel them. they looked plush and smooth, like a pillow. the perfect kind of pillow. the kimd of pillow for your lips. a pillow made for your lips. a place for your lips to rest. somewhere your lips could-

"-but the thing about aliens is that we already know there are other forms of life on other planets. i'm pretty sure i heard something on the news once about, like, algae or something on mars. i dont know. but if those exist, how do we know there isn't something of higher intelligence out there?" he rambled.

you hummed along, genuinely interested in what he was saying. you had gotten lost in though at least three times now, but even as you scolded yourself for zoning out, you couldn't stop yourself from leaning forward and placing a kiss on his cheek.

he froze and stopped speaking as he turned to you. "what was that for?"

"you're gorgeous." you admitted with a yawn. "and i kind of wanted to do that a while ago, but it took me too long to work up the confidence."

he smiled despite his shock. "do you want to do it again?"

you nodded your head and leaned in to place another kiss on his cheek, but he turned his head last second to catch your lips with his own. out of shock, you pulled away with a yelp.

"what was THAT for?" you asked.

still smiling, he said, "i've been wanting to do that for a while, too..."

a small smile tugged the ends of your lips. "can we do it again?"

he nodded with a smile and the both of you leaned forward, meeting in the middle as your lips gently collided.

you closed your eyes and reached up to tangle your fingers in his surprisingly soft hair and he placed a hand on your hip and the other on your cheek. what was once an innocent little kiss quickly turned into a full-blown make out. needing air, you pulled away and opened your eyes to gauge his reaction.

he smiled at you before placing a quick kiss on your forehead. "we should go to bed."

with a smile of your own, you nodded before kissing him once more. "right. goodnight, yuuji."

"goodnight, (y/n)," he smiled. and as you were about to walk out, he called your name again. "will you be my girlfriend?"

giggling, you nodded your head with a smile. "yes. now, goodnight, yuuji."

"goodnight..." he sighed, wanting this night to last forever.

as the door closed, you leaned against the door, a dreamy sigh escaping your lips. lifting your hand to feel your lips where they tingled, you noticed you could still taste the sweets from yuuji's lips.

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