finally // miwa x mechamaru

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okay this was requested and i am SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG OMG- but no excuses bc im not a little bitch or something like that idk

warnings: none i think, this is pretty self-explanatory and i avoided manga spoilers as best as i could!, i kinda came up with the plot on my own so bear w me lmao


it was another regular, boring day at the kyoto jujutsu tech for everybody. well, for everybody except for kokichi muta. for years now, he'd been using a mechamaru stand-in for everything. but now, he was strong enough. by some miracle, he'd woken up one day to find that his skin had no need for the bandages anymore. another week later, he could feel more strength than ever flowing in his legs. he could stand, walk, run, hop, all things he'd never been able to do (with practice, of course). but that wasn't the strangest part. 

weeks following, he swore his right arm was longer than before. he recognized eventually that his body was healing itself beyond that of simple leg muscles and before he knew it, he had two full arms. he wasn't sure what had happened, or for what purpose he was being gifted with a practically new body. once he was certain he was fully mobile, he decided he would go to the school. in person.

and while he had no complains whatsoever when he had mechamaru to hide behind, now he felt nervous. how would the other students react? would they be upset by his new appearance? more importantly, how would miwa react?

just thinking of the look on her face when she finally gets to see him, the real him, made his stomach do flips. a small smile rose to his face, and he couldn't fight back the nerves anymore. he was ready to see her, to see his fellow students. 

but first, miwa. she was the one that wanted to see him in person the most, anyway. he doubted the others would care much if he showed up as a human one day. well, they would care, but obviously not as much as miwa would. 

so obviously, once he made it to the school, he did his best navigating the way he would with mechamaru, but for some reason he felt lost. he'd walked these halls just as much as anybody else, so why was he suddenly having trouble? maybe he was freaking himself out. yeah, that's it. 

he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down before walking again. maybe this would be a bit more difficult than he originally planned. every hall looked the same as the last, there were endless doors, and he couldn't find anybody. at this point, he was just looking for anybody, hoping they would help out and lead him in the right direction. 

but then he saw it. in his panic, he almost didn't notice a blur of blue from the corner of his eye. he quickly turned on his heel, peaking around the corner to be sure he wasn't seeing things. and he wasn't. standing at the edge of the hall was miwa, alone, and talking aloud. 

it seemed she was talking to herself. "ah, where's mechamaru, anyway? i haven't seen him all day, and neither has anybody else... maybe he went out? ...but he would have said something so we'd know..."

he could feel his heartbeat picking up as he watched her. now was his chance! so why did his legs suddenly have no strength? why was he struggling to speak? why were his hands suddenly shaking uncontrollably? why was his face burning so much?

"kasumi!" he finally called, though his voice was shaking. 

she hummed as she turned to the voice. "hm? oh, are you a new student?"

"huh? no, no, it's me, koki-- mechamaru." he smiled. "you said you wanted to see me one day, didn't you? what do you think?"

his voice was still unstable, just barely coming out as he took careful steps toward her. her eyes widened in realization, before she smiled, eyes flicking away from him and then back once more.

"so this is what you look like..." she hummed, stepping closer as well to get a better look at him. her eyes roamed his body, trying to memorize each and every last detail available to her. "why did you wait so long to show us?"

pausing, he took a deep breath. should he tell her the truth? might as well, since those days are behind him now. "i was weak. my skin, fragile, covered in bandages, and my legs weak. so weak, i couldn't even stand. this arm, was no more than just bicep up until a few days ago. i don't know how it happened. i can't explain it. but i've been gifted with the body i have always wanted."

smiling, she stepped closer. she could just barely smell him from this distance. "well, i'm glad you chose to come in today. now, what's your real name? i doubt you actually call yourself mechamaru."

"well, i'd be lying if i said i wasn't used to being referred to as mechamaru." he laughed. "my real name is kokichi muta."

she hummed in recognition before trying the name out herself. the syllables rolled off her tongue like sweet, sweet honey. and all kokichi could think was that his name sounded so beautiful when she said it. he couldn't believe that at some point or another he had cursed to himself over his hatred for his name, because now, more than ever, he loved his name.

he smiled, and held a hand out to her. he just had to know what her skin felt like against his own. just looking at it, he could tell her skin was smooth and soft. delicate, like the petals of a flower. her eyes held more within them than the eyes of the mechamaru stand-in could ever relay. she was beautiful. more beautiful than anything he'd seen, and he'd seen a lot of beautiful things with his own two eyes today.

"i'm so glad i finally got to see you." she smiled, tears building up. "i was beginning to fear i would never get to see you, the real you."

frowning, he looked away for a split second before looking back. "well, i can't say i would have liked to see you while i was still so weak. it would have been beyond embarrassing, maybe even uncomfortable, for the both of us."

her smile widened, and a few tears spilled over, rolling down her soft cheeks. "kokichi... i wouldn't care what you look like. all i've ever wanted was to meet you, regardless of what form you take."

a smile rose to his face, tugging at the corners of his lips. his heart was racing, and so was his mind. he couldn't think of anything to say, too many ideas in his mind. without thinking, his arms extended toward her, grabbing her shoulders firmly before pulling her close and planting a kiss on her lips.

it was sloppy, and unexpected. her eyes widened, but kokichi had no idea, his eyes squeezed shut in fear of seeing her reaction. quickly, she melted into the kiss, her eyes fluttering to a close before throwing her arms around him and pulling him in deeper, her lips curling into a smile.

when they finally pulled away, his breathing was erratic. "sorry, i just- i didn't know what to say, and i've wanted to do that for quite some time now..."

her smile didn't falter for a second, and before he knew it, she was dragging him through halls he barely recognized. "oh, hush- we have to get you introduced to the others!"

and with that, another smile pulled at his face. she really was too sweet.

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