old feelings // nanami

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hey hey hey, so this was requested and i was hoping to get one for nanami out so thank you for requesting if this was you! 

warnings: cursing, typos, mild violence, mild gore, gender neutral reader :)


Life for you was normal. You woke up in the mornings, went to work, and went back home to have either take-out or a small home-cooked meal (though not well-cooked, as you didn't have the time to put much effort into your cooking), and went to sleep, all to repeat the boringly average cycle over the next day. Today was no different. You woke up on time, got up to get ready, walked out of your small apartment with a small breakfast, and got in your car to go to work.

At work, you did what you usually would, unfortunately. Nothing new, as expected. Surrounded by the same people, and doing the same thing everyday, you were beginning to get sick of the monotony of your life. So, when you were finally done for the day and left your work site, you got in your car and decided to go for a drive. Driving for only a short amount of time, you turned on an unfamiliar street, where the air felt thick, despite being in your car. You looked around the dark street, hoping to find something that would spark a memory of some sort, but the entire street was foreign to you, even though it was fairly close to where you worked.

At the end of the street, there was an abandoned home, or at least incredibly run down. Curiosity filled your entire being and you decided to get out and investigate the building. Even if you didn't find anything out of the usual, at least you were finally taking a step away from your boring everyday life in a way. And that somehow gave you some sense of relief.

You stepped out of your car after turning it off and closed the door behind you, being sure to lock it. You stuffed your keys in your pocket and walked up to one of the windows. Peering in, you saw that the house looked entirely abandoned, looking as though it hadn't been put to use in over at least 5 years. Frowning, you walked up to the door, which was unlocked, and pushed it ope, calling out to see if anybody was inside. When you didn't get an answer, you called again, your voice echoing back to you. You sighed before a smile rose to your features. Being in this abandoned home reminded you of your more adventurous days as a child, when you used to go exploring abandoned areas, hoping to catch spirits or entities on camera. 

You hadn't seen your friends in forever, though. After high school, despite your promises to stay in touch, you went your separate ways and left each other in the past. True, you were still slightly heartbroken over leaving your friends behind and vice versa, but you had always hoped you would bump into them again and all of you would get together as if nearly a decade hadn't passed since the last time you saw each other. Although it was a silly, childish hope, you still kept it close to your heart. 

Stepping further into the home, you heard the floorboards beneath you creaking under your weight. You froze, fearing the floor would collapse beneath you. When the floor had finally quieted down, you took another step, only for you to fall. You yelped in surprise and hurt, as your body had collided quite harshly with the cement beneath you. You quickly stood to brush yourself off and collect your wits. As you adjusted your clothes and hair, you looked up, only to find the most horrifying monster you'd ever seen right in front of you.

Paralyzed with fear, you stood, staring at the monster, hoping it hadn't noticed your presence yet. However, when a large yellow eye opened to stare right at you, you knew you were in for hell. Scrambling to look for a weapon of some sort, you settled for a splintered piece of wood from the floor you were standing on moments ago. You held it in front of you defensively, looking for any possible weak spots on the being, before deciding that blinding it would be the best option for an escape.

The monster slid in your direction, leaving a glowing trail of sludge behind it, which disgusted and amazed you all the same. You backed away from the monster, trying to keep some distance between the both of you. When it lunged forward, you only had a second to react, and you ended up scraping by, the disgusting slimy surface of the monster rubbing your pant leg. You recoiled in fear, trying to create more distance, when a sudden burning sensation developed on your leg. You told yourself to ignore it, but couldn't after the burning got worse. Looking down, you found that the slime from the creature's skin had somehow dissolved your pants and was now burning away your skin, layer by layer.

You grunted in pain as you took a step back on your bad leg. Slightly panicky now, you decided to do the one thing you knew you could do: pierce the eye with the board you still had in hand. You readied yourself to charge at the monster, reeling back your arm. You would have started off, had it not been for a mysterious blond man jumping down from above and slashing at the monster in a split second. The monster fell limp, slumping down to the ground in one pathetic movement. 

You turned to the man in the grey suit to thank him, but he assured you that it was nothing. You smiled and shook your head. As the man helped you to leave, supporting your weight since you now had a bad leg, you couldn't help but gaze at him in wonder. Something seemed so familiar about him, from the way he spoke, to the way he dressed. You couldn't help but wonder if you knew him. Then it hit you. "Kento...? Is that you?"

He seemed to tense, surprised that you recognized him.

"Don't you recognize me? It's (Y/N), from high school?" You asked, almost hurt by his lack of response. 

He looked down at you when you said your name. When his eyes met yours, he stopped moving completely. "No, you can't be. They died a long time ago."

"What?! Who told you I died?!" You shrieked.

"Everybody. But as I look at you now, I can see that it was all an elaborate lie." He smiled "I knew you were still alive."

And he pulled you into a hug. Shocked, you hugged back. He had never shown you such emotion, much less hugged you. When he finally pulled away, he reached up to remove his glasses. He wiped away the tears that had build up in his eyes, his smile still plastered on his face. 

"Who would have thought you were such a softie?" You joked. 

At that, he seemed to straighten himself, adjusting his suit and putting his glasses back on. "Would you like to go out for a quick dinner?" He asked, sounding almost nervous.

You smiled and nodded your head. "Yes, I would like that very much.


Dinner was more splendid than you ever could have imagined. It was even better than what you had been hoping for all these years. Sure, his current occupancy made him a little harsher than he was way back when, but he was still the same Kento from your childhood. In fact, him having not changed much, reawakened some old feelings you had from back in your teenage years. Truthfully, you had always harbored feelings for the handsome blond before you.

You giggled at something he had said, raising a hand to your mouth in the process. He smiled, but only slightly. As you looked at him, butterflies erupted in your stomach and you coughed to distract yourself. 

"I always liked you, (Y/N)..." He started. "In high school, and after, even after we had drifted. I miss you. Would you like to come to work with me tomorrow?"

Caught off guard, you nearly choked. "I... I have work, though."

"Quit. Come with me. I realize now, after all these years apart, that you are what is most important to me." He said, reaching out to hold one of your hands. "So come with me. Quit your job, move in with me, we can be together, forever, this time."

"Kento, I..." You stuttered. "I would love to. But why are you asking me this?"

He sighed. "With the nature of my job, I don't have time to live with regrets. If I were to have died today, my one regret would have been losing contact with you. I love you, (Y/N), so come be with me, please."

You smiled at him, your features softening. "Of course I will. But I'll need a job, I can't sit around all day, waiting for you to come home."

"I'm sure we can figure something out." He barely managed before you pulled him in to a happy kiss.

jujutsu kaisen oneshots || requests closedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora