forever // satoru gojo

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okay i feel bad about the last one not really including gojo that much as far as the romance went, so here's a better one for my fellow simps :)

warnings: afab reader, cursing, gojo being gojo, the usual, maybe mentions of sex, typos as always lol


Getting ready for your wedding day had been disastrous, much to your dismay. Of course, on one of the most important days of your life, everything seems to be going wrong. Your bridesmaids had insisted on doing your hair, but the traffic to the venue you had chosen was so bad, you were afraid you wouldn't even have time to get your dress on in time. So, here you are, changing into your dress in the car. Your bridesmaids had already changed, because they figured if you needed help, it would be best if they were already dressed so they could help you. 

With the dress finally on, you could relax a bit. Luckily, you had been smart enough to do your makeup before leaving the hotel room you were sharing with your bridesmaids. Now all you had to worry about was your hair. Your friends had assured you that with all of them working on it, it would be done in a flash and you would be down the aisle right on time. And true to their word, your hair was perfect and ready to go ahead of schedule. Slipping on the heals you had committed to, a swarm of butterflied erupted in your stomach.

"I'm really doing this? This isn't a dream?" You said out loud to yourself.

One of your friends smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "It's really happening, babe! Get ready to give up whatever dignity you had beforehand because I'm sure Satoru will embarrass you to no end in public." She jokingly swooned.

"And they say romance is dead. What she means is, from this day on, you'll actually be spending the rest of your life bound to one singular man. Let's hope he doesn't get in your nerves too often." Another friend winked in your direction.

Another friend sighed dramatically. "You people are horrible." She crouched in front of you. "Just remember this is what you have been going after for years now. Don't let your nerves get to you and spoil the day. You can only have so many perfect wedding days in your life, so let this day be the one you would want to remember."

You smiled at all of them before standing. "Right. You guys are right."

Another friend spoke up, letting all of you know that it was time. Another nervous feeling built up in your stomach, but you chose to ignore it, as you couldn't fight the smile tugging at the ends of your lips. Reaching to grand double doors, your bridesmaids walked down the aisle before you with their respective partners. When it was your turn, your very good friend, Kento Nanami, reached an arm out for you to escort you down the aisle. 

As you walked, your dress billowed behind you, leaving the people attending the wedding in awe. With your hair and makeup done to perfection, everybody was certain you were a goddess, even Satoru, who nearly cried seeing you all done up like now. As you got closer to Satoru, your smile widened and butterflies once more erupted in your stomach. After all these years of painful pining and being oblivious as all hell to each other's attempts at catching the other's attention, you were finally going to be married. 


The ceremony could not have been more perfect. Your vows made nearly everybody cry, even Kento. As you finally stood next to each other, about to cut the cake, you couldn't keep the excited giggles from escaping you. Satoru's smile seemed permanent as well, as he hadn't stopped smiling since you walked down the aisle. With the first slice of cake finally cut, you turned to each other, but as your face met Satoru's, you were met with the shockingly cold frosting from the cake. Your face resembled that of shock while Satoru's displayed pure joy. You laughed again as you reached up to wipe the frosting away from your cheek. Satoru was all smiles up until you smeared what was on your hand onto his own face. At this, his eyes widened, as did his smile. The both of you laughed and kissed one again, smiling all the while.

Your first dance was perfect as well. The music nearly brought you to tears and when Satoru dipped you in the end to bring you into a sweet kiss, you swore you felt those same butterflies from before. 

When the party was finally coming to a close and you and Satoru were getting into  car, a few of your friends sent you some final winks and smiles of encouragement before the door closed.

With all the noise from earlier being muffled, the car was quiet, besides the sound of both of you breathing. Brushing some hair away from your face, you giggled again. You couldn't believe today had actually happened. And as perfectly as it did, too. You turned to Satoru and smiled once more. "So, where to?"

He smiled as he looked over to you and started up the car. "That's a surprise." And he winked, making you laugh once more. You couldn't help it. Today's events had left you absolutely giddy.

One short drive later, your car had stopped at a small house. "Where are we? I don't recognize this house..."

"Home." He said, turning to you once more as he turned the car off. "I thought buying a house would be the perfect way to start of our marriage."

And you smiled. "I suppose it is, so long as you didn't spend all your money on it."

"Of course I didn't. You should have more faith in me." He said before exiting the car and jogging to the other side to open your door for you. He held a hand out to you as you exited, and you gratefully took it, smiling at him.

As you approached the door, Satoru reached into his pocket and pulled out some keys, dangling them in the air for a moment before unlocking the door. Stepping in, you were shocked to find that the home had already been decorated. You were shocked to see that each room had just the right pieces of furniture. "Satoru... This is..."

"I've outdone myself, I know. You can say it." He smirked, leading you through the house. Each room surprised you more than the last, finding that on some shelves there were some cheesy photos of you and Satoru through the years. 

You looked up at him with a smile. "What do we do now?"

Without a word, Satoru pinned you to a wall and gently kissed you. You kissed back, of course, but only after overcoming the initial shock from his actions. As he pulled away, his smile turned to a sly smirk. "I've got a few ideas."

With that, he threw you over his shoulder, giving your ass a proper smack before walking down the hall toward a bedroom. Needless to say, you didn't get much sleep that night. 

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