warm // junpei

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this was a request and i hope this is what you wanted! junpei deserved better and so i tried my hand at tooth-rotting fluff just for him :)

warnings: afab reader though it might not have been specified, fluff, short and sweet, typos


it was winter. it was cold outside. dangerously so. but inside, it was beyond warm. it was a different kind of warmth you could feel when you were inside with junpei. even with the heater running and blankets thrown around the both of you, the heat was different. maybe it was because you'd spent more time in the snow with him than you usually did. maybe it was because you were already almost done with your fourth cup of hot chocolate. 

or maybe it was the way his hands rubbed against your skin ever so gently, as if he was afraid you would disappear any second now. his fingers danced across your hip, leaving goosebumps in their wake. your skin was softer than anything he'd ever felt before. (i better not get any shit from you crusty ass bitches in the comments. go put lotion on >:(.)

a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. so many hours together, spent watching movies, laughing, even dancing, and yet it all feels like it happened within 5 minutes. looking down at your face, he noticed your eyes were closed. surprised, he reached down to wipe some hair away from your face, his touch tickling you and making you giggle quietly.

"ah, i didn't mean to wake you." he apologized, pulling his hand away.

snuggling deeper into his chest, you shook your head, smiling. "you don't need to apologize. i don't mind."

"are you tired?" he asked, still feeling a bit guilty.

humming in thought, you shook your head again. "mmm, no, not really. well, yes, but only because you're so warm."

that seemed to cheer him up, because he didn't ask again. smiling, he wrapped his free arm around you, holding you closer. for a while, he just admired your face while you rested. you looked so peaceful, so beautiful. a drastic difference to just mere hours ago when you were both playing in the snow and your smile made him feel all fuzzy inside. still beautiful, but your smile was so animated it made him feel as though he were dizzy.

your laughter brought a sweet pink to his cheeks, and your touch like ice against the warmth of his skin. just thinking of the way you make him feel made him feel that way all over again. he smiled and pulled you closer once more, turning to face the tv to turn it off so you could nap together.

"i'm glad we got to spend today together, (y/n)." he smiled.

his legs had fallen asleep ages ago since you were on top of him, but he didn't mind. so long as you were happy and comfortable, he wouldn't change a thing. and so, under the blanket, tangled together, your night with junpei came to a close. you didn't get to tell him how much fun you had had with him, but the smile that rose to his face the next morning when you were still in his arms made up for it.

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