plans // maki

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as i say with all other requests, i am deeply sorry for taking so long lmao. schoolwork is a bitch and i need to learn to stay on task. even now im writing this in class 🤭🤭

warnings: afab reader, gay, lesbians, gay, homos, sexual tension maybe yaass, typos ofc i cant write a fic without typos <3


"oh, come on! we have to go! it'll be so much fun!" nobara cheered, grabbing your hands in the process.

at the moment, she was currently bugging you about going to a shopping center she'd heard about recently and had an interest in. nobody usually goes out with her on her little shopping sprees, but ever since you'd enrolled, you'd done a good job of indulging everybody and somehow making time to do everything with everybody between training sessions and assignments. it was tiring, but seeing their smiles when somebody finally wanted to do their favorite thing with them was worth it.

the people you got along with best were maki and nobara. nobara was fun to hang out with when you needed to be around somebody with high energy levels to make you feel better. maki was great to be around when you felt like you needed a little bit of down time, which became more common within the past few weeks.

of course, you loved being out with nobara. she had a great sense of fashion and always helped you to pick out the perfect outfit. but recently she'd mysteriously come in to a large sum of money and wanted to blow it over the weekend, which was exhausting. you still wondered how she got the money, but you didn't want to interrogate her.

anyway, as much as you loved spending time with her, the weekend at the other shopping center had left you with less than 4 hours of sleep a night. it was almost scary how passionate she was about shopping. but now you just wanted to sleep, to get some rest. 

the only issue with that is, for the entirety of time at jujutsu tech, you'd never said no to anything anybody asked of you. if you started saying no now, they'd be suspicious, surely. you just didn't know how to say it without upsetting anybody.

maki watched the interaction from across the training grounds, eyes narrowed in jealousy. she didn't necessarily have any right to be jealous, but the fact that you had spent so much time with nobara recently had struck a nerve with her. it was unfair that nobara was getting all your attention. especially now that she was certain she had been making progress with you.

see, she'd recently discovered her feelings for you while you had spent another relaxing night in her dorm. the both of you had been curled up into each other, arms lazily hanging over each others bodies. once you had fallen asleep, she couldn't help but admire you as you were asleep. it wasn't to be creepy, of course. she just liked the way you looked when you finally had your guard down, when you were finally done with the little act you kept up during the day. the people pleaser.

she'd held your hands that night, kissing each of your knuckles with a tenderness you would remember in the morning. she'd laughed with you so carelessly, it'd echo in your mind for weeks to come. her smile would flash in your mind at the worst times, and the look in her eyes would give you butterflies each time you thought of that night. 

watching your interaction more closely, she felt a pang in her chest when nobara wrapped her arms around you, hanging off of you and probably begging for more of your time. huffing, she threw down the prop spear she'd been training with and started making her way to the both of you.

she adjusted her clothes as she walked, the garments suddenly tightening around her and making her even more frustrated. she huffed again, angry at herself for being so easily effected by your presence, or lack thereof.

once she was only a few feet away from the two of you, nobara pulled herself away from you begrudgingly. once maki was close enough to touch you, she did just that. her arm sneakily slithered around your waist, instantly pulling you into her side. she smiled at nobara, though it definitely wasn't one of good nature. 

"hi." she said, her tone laced with false kindness. "i'm not sure if you knew, but, (y/n) and i actually already have plans."

"you do?" nobara asked, frowning.

"we do?" you asked quietly, your face beginning to burn in embarrassment. last time you were this close to maki you ended up...

"yeah, we do." she smiled again, before turning to you. "don't tell me you've forgotten! we made these plans only two days ago."

her hand on your hip gently pinched the skin there, and she made a face as if telling you to play along.

"oh! right!" you laughed nervously. "how silly of me. yeah, sorry nobara.. maybe next time! i'm sure yuuji would love to go out with you anyway!"

sighing, she crossed her arms. "yeah, right. he's got a date with megumi this weekend and refuses to leave his room because his favorite anime ended recently and he can't handle the heartbreak or whatever."

"oh." you mumbled. "was it even a good anime?"

sighing again, she grew upset. "as if i know! the stupid idiot wont tell me anything because he's perfectly content being wrapped in his boyfriends arms and crying like a baby about an anime- what a nerd."

"wait, weren't you the one that wrote that 50k worded fan fiction about his favorite character for him-"

"WE DON'T TALK ABOUT IT-" she cut you off, beginning to turn away and walk in the opposite direction out of embarrassment. "we'll make plans some other day-"

once she was out of earshot, maki released her hold on you and gave you some space. she sighed out of relief and looked down at you to make sure you were okay. "i was afraid i wouldn't make it in time." she laughed to herself.

"in time for what?"

she smiled down at you, and this time a smile that wasn't filled with malice. "well, i couldn't let nobara get all your free time, could i? its only fair that i get some time with my favorite girl, too."

"favorite??" you mumbled. "girl?"

"don't tell me you didn't know." she said in a low tone, teasing you.

"know what?" you hesitated.

she laughed and threw her head back obnoxiously. "my, my. you really are oblivious aren't you?"

and without any warning, she leaned down and pressed a simple kiss to your lips, leaving you shocked and your lips tingling. "maki-"

"what?" she said, her tone still similar to the one from earlier, the one she uses to tease you.

"can.." you paused, trying to think of how you could word your thoughts without embarrassing yourself. "can we actually hang out today?"

"i didn't put on that show for nothing, babe." she smiled, pressing another kiss to your lips. "the choice is yours. what do you want to do?"

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