brocken and emo ( 🥀🕷️🕸️⛓️ ) // junpei

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ok yass im finally catching up on old requests. once again i am very sorry for the wait, but here it is!

warnings: afab reader, mentions of scars, mentions of bullies duh, typos, maybe cursing???, i think thats it but idk i wrote this in like 30 minutes i think kjasnjkn, oh the ending is rushed yasss


walking in to the theater, you sighed at realizing it was packed and you more than likely would be sitting next to a stranger. you walked up the steps of the theater, trying to find the isle you'd be seated in, your eyes anxiously flitting from the ticket to the ground where the isle letters were displayed.

finally reaching your lane, you sighed under your breath out of relief. just your luck, it was packed with people and you'd have to step over their legs to get to your seat. excusing yourself, you began stepping over their laps, feeling their eyes burning into your skin. you immediately became annoyed with the people staring at you, but chose to ignore it.

it's not your fault you HAVE to be the hottest bitch out here every time you leave the house. taking a deep breath, you finally reached your seat and plopped down in to it. maybe your bad luck was running out, because to both of your sides there was an empty seat, just enough space to pretend like the people around you didn't exist.

that is, until somebody else came shuffling down the isle, stepping over people's laps awkwardly before taking a seat next to you. you decided not to make a scene in analyzing the person next to you, opting to look at him through your peripheral. he seemed like a normal guy, besides the fact that he was like brocken and emo ( 🥀🕷️🕸️⛓️ ) or whatever. he had half of his hair covering his face and wore somewhat dark clothes (probably to show everybody how brocken he is).

the look on his face was similar to that of irritation, but you didn't want to say anything and potentially make him more uncomfortable than he already was. you would have spent more time trying to figure him out if it wasn't for the loud sound from the movie that had just started. figures it'd open with something to catch everybody off guard. as cliche as the movie was already turning out to be, you jumped slightly, your eyes instantly finding their way to the screen.

throughout the movie, you didn't jump again, as you easily expected each outcome or death that was coming. you even began to realize you were having similar reaction to the person next to you, who had slowly eased up throughout the movie as well. he was no longer sitting stiff and rigid, and now easily slouched in the chair. every so often the both of you would laugh at the same parts, awkwardly make eye-contact, and go back to watching the movie. it was almost as if the both of you had come together and were watching it as friends. 

once the movie was over, the both of you walked out of the theater, even walking in the same direction, though neither of you said anything for a while until you got to the main entrance and exit of the theater.once the both of you had exited the theater, you turned to him, awkwardly scratching your cheek to ease your anxiety. 

"hey, so, i couldn't help but notice..." you paused. crap. notice what?? think- "notice you were wearing a t-shirt for (random horror movie idk i hate horror)."

looking down at his shirt as if he hadn't looked at is as he picked it out for the day, he smiled awkwardly. "oh, yeah. you know the movie?"

"of course. it's probably my favorite right now." you said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

smiling, he nodded his head. "yeah, its probably my favorite, too."

the both of you were quiet for a moment, neither of you saying anything.

"do you maybe wanna get something to eat?" you asked out of the blue. "neither of us had popcorn, so i figured... and since we like the same movie..."

crap. this was just getting more and more awkward every time you opened your stupid-

"oh! sure!" he smiled. "there's this cute diner down this street, maybe less than a 15 minute walk from here. if we walk fast enough we can beat the lunch rush."

surprised he accepted, you smiled as well, adjusting the skirt you were wearing. "great! honestly i'm kinda new to the area. i don't really know any of the places nearby."

"oh, that's fine! i'll show you around as best i can while we're on our way!" he offered before the both of you began walking to the diner.


after eating together, the both of you exchanged numbers and went your separate ways. for hours, the both of you texted, trading opinions and even debating over different types of movies until nearly 5 in the morning. once the both of you realized what time it was, you wished each other a good night and went to bed. good thing it was the weekend. 

over the weekend, you tried to make plans together, but it seemed your schedules were too different to even get a good hour in together. it wasn't until your first day at your new high school did you see him again. luckily, he was in most of your classes as well, and he knew the grounds well so he had time during the lunch break to show you to the classes you didn't have together.

after school, he seemed to be anxious about walking around with you, and insisted you take a shortcut to leave the school grounds. you didn't know any better, considering you weren't familiar with all the hallways anyway, and followed without a word. not even halfway down the hallway, a deep voice called out to junpei.

"yoshinooo! you didn't think you could get away with skipping today, did you?" the voice from behind you said, and like an idiot, you turned toward the voice. "oh! and you have a girl with you, too! maybe i'll get a chance to have some fun with her, eh? whad'ya say, yoshino?"

"ew, as if i'd even let you breathe on me-" you said without thinking.

"huh?!" he shouted. "what did you say to me, bitch?"

scoffing and rolling your eyes, you tucked some hair behind your ear. "i think you heard me. besides, i don't befriend ugly people, let alone waste my time on them. lets go, junpei-"

he stammered nervously, obviously not wanting to turn his back to the group of guys just feet away. "i- uh, i don't- maybe we should-"

"if you don't waste your time on ugly people, what are you doing with this freak?" the guy said, clearly trying to take a jab at junpei.

he seemed to shrink at his words, feeling insecure now. you turned to him curoiusly, not quite understanding.

"oh, don't tell me he hasn't shown you." the bully sneered. "why don't you show her, then, yoshino! show the girl just how ugly you really are."

when junpei didn't make any move, the bully stepped forward and pulled junpei into his chest, moving the hair away form his face, revealing an overwhelming amount of scars on his forehead. you decided not to react, instead pulling off your pink (idc if you dont like pink so stfu) jacket to reveal similar scars on your upper arms.

you didn't make any move to reveal them any more than you had by just taking the jacket off, and instead stuffed it in your bag. "i think you should let go of my friend. we have places to be."

suddenly disgusted by your appearance, the bully's hold on junpei was weak enough for him to get away, scrambling back to your side. "have a nice day, boys!" you smiled as you grabbed junpei's wrist gently and began walking down the hall as quickly as possible.

once you were finally far enough from the bullies, you turned to junpei, asking if he was okay and checking his arms for any bruises where the guy had been holding him. he shook his head, insisting he was fine before gesturing to your arms. "oh, these? they're nothing. don't worry about them. but hey, that's just one more thing we have in common."

smiling, junpei took your hand and began walking again. "i'm glad you moved here, (y/n)."

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