Chapter 54

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Hello! I hope you all enjoy this chapter!


Hikaru stared blankly at his hands. They shook wildly, stained with a metaphorical red. He didn't really feel the anxiety that was coursing through him, the ball of nerves curled too tightly in his stomach. He didn't feel the coldness of his fingers or his nose, nor did he feel the warmth that enveloped the rest of his body. 

He was trying to keep himself from leaving. 

He didn't want to go, but if he let go, he would sprint out the door without a second thought. He was glad, so glad that his mission leave was taken off in a week. 

He'd never really felt this kind of restlessness before. Well, not this thick. 

Ghosts of fingertips grazed against his thighs, and Hikaru flinched at the constant reminder. It was bad enough that Naruto-- who'd gotten back from his mission with Jiraiya-- was prone to give him random affection, but each and every single time he flinched

He never really expected it. 

But he also hadn't told Naruto to stop. The full-body hugs, strangely, were okay. Not the best, as they reminded Hikaru too much of being strangled, but also not the worst. He still had a minature breakdown each and every single time it happened. 

Like earlier. 

Once again, it had been unexpected. And, once again, Naruto had literally thrown himself at Hikaru and Hikaru had froze, hand having reached for his kunai. 

He didn't think he needed to be on guard in a village that had slowly become his home. 

Hikaru blinked, before slamming his head harshly into the wall. No. No. This village was not his home, and it never, ever would be. It would never be his home, only his prison. 

He wondered if this was how Sasuke felt most of the time. 

Hikaru supposed it was. It wasn't like he would know, as it had been a touchy subject with Sasuke when the other was still alive. And he couldn't exactly ask, because the other was dead and gone by Hikaru's own hands. 

His hand brushed against his new sword, custom-made and given to him by TenTen, Neji's teammate, for helping Neji. It was strange to see the two so... close. Like they were dating, but not quite. In his timeline, the two had been close, yes, but they were just obviously pining for one another. 

Hikaru gripped tightly onto it, looking at it. The metal wasn't stained with blood quite yet, which Hikaru knew would change soon. The blade was sharp, cutting Hikaru's finger like a papercut when he tested the sharpness of the blade. The hilt was a deep, crimson red that almost matched Hikaru's hair but not quite. 

He missed his old sword. But this one looked better, despite the lack of emotional attachment. 

A yawn escaped from his lips, and Hikaru pulled the multiple blankets tighter to him, shivering slightly as the cold of the room wormed underneath his blankets somehow. He didn't know where they came from-- Sasuke, Kakashi, and Sakura refused to say-- but they were there, so he would use them. 

Not to mention that they were extremely fluffy. And dark grey, which didn't hurt Hikaru's eyes, but it also didn't seem too boring. Hikaru actually liked them somewhat. 

Still, he wondered who bought them. He'd have to thank them, depending on who they were. Hikaru wouldn't go so far to thank someone like Sakura's mom-- oh, wait. Yeah. They were dead, he'd forgotten. 

His mood turned even more sour, but he clutched kunai to his chest, leaning up against the wall in his corner. He wanted to sleep, but with the ANBU mask staring him down, there was no possible way he would be able too. 

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