Chapter 51

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter!


Hikaru's eyes filled with hot tears, leaking from underneath the blindfold. His entire body spasmed as electricity arched through him, Hamasaki's giggled echoing. He felt his back unwillingly arch as yet another shock pierced through him. 

The sickening taste of blood filled his mouth, and Hikaru felt vague pain in his tongue. What had been happening? Oh, yeah. He'd been biting it to keep from screaming. 

Yet another shock of lightning. 

Something hot was poured over him, sinking into his skin, piercing into his mouth and lips and nose and through his blindfold. It was boiling, screaming at his open wounds, stinging like fire. He felt himself break.

Screams rang out, and Hikaru was trying his best to be quiet. He was trying his best to not give her anything to be proud about, but there was static all over his body and something bubbling at his skin. Agony was blooming inside of him like cherry blossoms in spring. 

Giggles rang in his head- sickening, gut-wrenching laughter taunting his inability to put up with the mind-breaking torture he was going through.

Electricity pierced through him, all the way up to his head, and Hikaru spasmed. It felt worse then before, whether or not it was the water boosting his agony or not. 

Hikaru felt himself blink, and a groan left his lips. He shifted, pain flaring along his shoulder. His hand brushed against his head, and he unwrapped himself from the blankets just enough to glare over at the person entering his apartment. 

Sasuke stood in his doorway, eyebrow raised. 

"Sick still?" Sasuke asked, voice dry and patronizing. Hikaru glared for a brief second, the light burning at his eyes. 


Kami, he sounded like crap. His voice was raspy from coughing, also hinting at almost no sleep the night before. He'd been hot, and then overwhelmingly cold. But he couldn't exactly bring himself to move quite yet, as his entire body ached. 

He hated being sick. 

"Hn. Neji-san has been asking about you." Sasuke muttered, looking away from Hikaru's dim, ice-cold room. "So has Kakashi-sensei. What should I tell them?"

"I'm sick." Hikaru burrowed back into his blankets. "I'll be out until Sunday or something."

"You have a timetable for being sick?" Sasuke asked, and Hikaru would bet all the money he had-- which wasn't much-- that his eyebrow was raised. 

"Happens every year." He grunted, closing his eyes again. An itch crawled up his throat, and he started to get even colder. "You shoul' leave."

Hikaru vaguely heard Sasuke's clothes shift, and his bedroom door closed. He deemed Sasuke had left, and cleared his throat. 

This not only turned into a coughing fit, it turned into pain flaring up and down his spine. 

He glared at absolutely nothing. 

He despised being sick. 


Hikaru felt a hand briefly meet his forehead, and he blinked open his eyes. There was a blur of pink in front of him... Why was Sakura here? It wasn't time for him to take a shift.

"Hikaru, do you mind if I heal you?"

Sakura's voice sounded younger. It was odd.

And why was she asking? Usually she didn't ask, unless if he was sick. 

Black Light (Naruto)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora