Chapter 28

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Hello! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!


Hikaru knew what he was going to do next. He woke up after 4 or so hours- Kakashi still sleeping- and started running towards Gato's base. It was about three or so days until Zabuza and Team Seven squared off, and Hikaru had absolutely no idea how to approach it. So he expected the worse. 

He didn't know what else to do other then to expect the worse.

Hikaru sighed softly, his mask covering his face still. He jumped onto another tree branch, slapping on a seal to diminish his chakra to one of a bird, or a squirrel. It was easier to do spying missions if people thought you were just some animal in the trees- it had been a few tricks Hikaru had used back when he'd still done spying missions. 

He landed on a branch above Gato's base, a tad bit more cautious than last time he wandered into one. There was still one guard out in the front, Hikaru could see in their body posture that they were more cautious than last time. 

Hikaru blinked slightly as he saw someone leave, narrowing his eyes on the fast pace. It was likely Zabuza- judging from the spotted leg warmers that flashed past Hikaru's vision. He quickly made a clone- one to go after Zabuza, and he would stay here and watch the base. 

He settled in for a long wait, keeping his eyes on the base. 

Kakashi's POV

He watched as Naruto repeatedly sliced the leaf in half- Sakura still working on walking on water, her main element. Sasuke was still glaring at the charred pile of leaves at his feet- some still smoldering. 

This would take a bit- they'd all been doing it since Hikaru had gotten poisoned- and even Sakura hadn't gotten that far. She'd only gotten to the middle of the pond, and this was practically the 50th time both Sasuke and Naruto somehow ruined their leaves completely. 

Kakashi knew that it would take time, but he didn't expect it to take almost an entire week- although they'd spent longer on the tree-walking excersise. 

A growl of frusteration echoed across the quiet clearing as Naruto threw down his leaf. The purpose of it was defeated because it floated down. 

"Sensei! I'm tired of doing this! Can't we move onto the cool jutsu or something?" Naruto whined, childishly stomping his foot on the ground. Both Sasuke and Sakura- who was soaked from falling into the pond multiple times- looked towards him. 

Kakashi blinked, turning it into a quick eye-smile. "Maa, maa, Naruto, you know that you can't learn 'cool' jutsu until you master this."

"But Kakashi-sensei-"

"No buts, Naruto." Kakashi chided gently. "If you're tired of this, why not move onto Taijutsu? Sasuke and Sakura would be more than willing to practice with you."

He watched as Naruto turned towards them, stars in his eyes. Sasuke, seemingly unwilling, just shrugged. Sakura climbed out of the pond- having fallen in while Kakashi was talking- and wringed out her hair. 

"Sure. Would warm me up, at least." Sakura muttered crossly, casting a slight glare at Kakashi. He just took out his Icha Icha, flipping to his favorite page. 

Kakashi let himself be slightly lost in his thoughts, making sure to keep an eye on his genin so they wouldn't maim each other like they almost did yesterday. 

Training like this would hopefully strengthen their teamwork. Kakashi made sure to focus on that after recieving some advice from a more-than-excited Gai, so he wouldn't let this Team Seven turn out like his genin team. 

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