Chapter 66

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Terms: Haha-ue (mother; formal) and chichi-ue (father; formal). 


TW: Kidnapping, torture, insanity, Hamasaki as a whole.


Mist swelled so thickly around him, breathing it in so thickly that it felt like he was choking on it. He breathed out flashbacks of cold air, but mostly, he was glad that he had Kakashi by his side to stabalize him. 

At least, that's what he called it. Kakashi's hand occasionally brushing against his-- purposefully-- was reminding him that he was here. In the present. Not locked up in a tiny underground cell. 

So he walked as quietly as possible, seals activated. There were birds chirping so quietly, and he swore that at this moment, he would remember this for the rest of whatever life he would live. 

It was almost... peaceful, had it not been traumatic for him to be here. 

The mist hung thickly around them, dewdrops on the grass they stepped silently onto, muscles tensed. The only thing that shone at the moment was the sun-- clouded over and weak. But, otherwise, it all rang out so clearly. 

The dull green of the ferns, the dark chocolate brown of the trees that reminded him of something he couldn't quite put his name on. The way Kakashi's eye was dark, knowing they were deep in enemy territory and could no longer turn back. 

And Hikaru...

He was scared. He didn't want to face Hamasaki or Daichi or Yuu. He didn't want to look at his nightmares in their faces and scream at them. 

The last name Uzumaki rang in his mind, and he recalled how he hadn't looked anything like an Uzumaki. How he hadn't even seemed remotely close to hyperactive or even a seal master.

But it was obvious the other knew how to hide extremely well. 

A small, silent breath that brought mist further into his lungs. 

He was here, Kirigakure. Uzumaki Hikaru was here, and he would not let Hamasaki get in the way anymore. 


Night time. It was gorgeous-- the mist had finally cleared, showing the constellations above. They shone clearly, sparking along his entire body, something that he hadn't seen since... forever

In Konoha, the night was always accompanied with the yellow glow of streetlights, or with the noise of the Red Light District. The only way to get stars this clear was to head way, way out. And, even then, they were usually blocked by leaves. 

Here... they were so clear. Unblocked. 

He looked down upon Kakashi's sleeping body-- the nin was flat on his back, hands curled by his weapons. His eye was peacefully closed, body highlighted by the perfect moonlight. 

This moment, lying awake and taking watch, was everything to him. He wouldn't give it for the world-- although he was utterly terrified and scared, and kami, he was such a coward. 

But being here made him hopeful. For what, he didn't know. 

All he knew was that, after this, there wouldn't really be anything but the Akatsuki to take down. And he could find peace in that statement-- he was getting old, and his bones and joints were already weary. 

He was around... 28 or 29 now, was he not? It had already been a whopping two or three years, something that surprised him still. And he'd already accomplished so much yet so little.

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