Chapter 17

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter! We're already at more reads than I could've ever hoped for or imagined- I'd never even thought I'd get to 100 views. Thank you to everyone who's voted and even glanced at this story!

Original: 01/04/2020

Edited: 10/27/2020


When Hikaru and Kakashi had gotten back to Konoha, he'd stopped by the Hokage's office to give the mission report. 

He knocked loudly on the door, a small 'come in' reaching his ears. Hikaru opened the door somewhat tiredly as he saw the Hokage inside, sitting at his desk with two or three stacks of paperwork in front of him. 

"Hello. I've come to give the mission report." Hikaru said, walking in and handing the written report to the Hokage. 

"You look much better." Sarutobi says, the slightest knowing look in his eye as he quickly glanced over the report. "I'm glad you had such a lovely mission. Anything interesting happen besides what was detailed?"

"No. I'll be taking my leave." Hikaru said, before jumping out the window. His chakra reached out- Naruto was with Iruka and Kakashi was at his apartment. Sasuke and Sakura were... shopping together?

Hikaru blinked at the oddity of the signatures so close to one another, before continuing his walk down the street towards his apartment. His feet were ever-so-slightly dragging as dark grey clouds floated overhead, thick and fluffy. The sun was blocked, making the air a bit colder on his exposed skin. 

His heart started to beat faster in his chest, the scent of rain heavy in the air. It looked like it would rain soon. He entered the building, and was suddenly greeted by a grinning face an familiar blue eyes. 

"Welcome home!" Naruto said. Hikaru froze. It wasn't his timeline, therefore it wasn't his home. But his timeline was dead and gone by now, the last animal surely gone, so he's here now-

"Thank you, Naruto." Hikaru murmured, inviting the genin in. "How was your day?"

Naruto immediately started to blabber about his day, following Hikaru to his apartment. He tuned Naruto out. They talked about seemingly nothing, but Hikaru knew it had counted as a conversation to his younger counterpart. 

Hikaru slid open a window once the blond had left, enjoying the scent of rain. It hadn't quite started raining yet, but Hikaru was sure it was going too soon. He pulled up a chair and laid his head on the cool windowsill, closing his eyes. 

Hikaru had already slept earlier that morning, so he wasn't tired and he knew he'd be awake for some time still. So he opened his eyes again, gazing on the street below. People were rushing about, eager to get their shopping done before the rain. 

A familiar chakra signature- no, two chakra signatures were heading towards his apartment from the street he could see. Hikaru's eyes danced about until he placed them. A familiar outline with black hair swept backwards, Sakura with her pink hair talking merrily. In that moment Hikaru assumed that they were more than just 'obsesser' and 'obsessee'. They were teammates.

"Yo." A lazy drawl was behind him, along with quite a few leaves now trampled in his house. 

Hikaru jumped, turning around, violet eyes immediately glaring at Kakashi. "Please stop doing that, Kakashi. One day I will end up stabbing you."

"Maa, maa, but it's amusing. Especially how it would be considering you're clearly outclassed by me and my amazing, adorable genin of whom I invited over for dinner." Kakashi eye-smiled as he gleefully pulled out an Icha Icha book.

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