Chapter 67

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Here we go, part two.

TW: Description of death, gore, etc..


He couldn't breathe. 

Bile raced up his throat, and he gagged harshly, panting. His entire body trembled, and he longed to just... fade away from this sight. 

Yuu's blood all over the walls. She lay in the middle of the room, maggots crawling in her eyes. The scent was... indescribable. 

Flies billowed in the room, on the windows, the walls. 


He couldn't take it anymore and left the house, hand covering his mouth, shunshining to the nearby forest. His stomach rolled and heaved, and Hikaru threw up. 

He couldn't...

Tears burned in his eyes as the acid burned at his throat, legs shaking as he held his own hair back. Everything was shaking. 

He rested his head against the tree as he finished, pulling out a rag and wiping at his mouth, sealing it away. He popped mints into his mouth-- more then enough to cancel out in the disgusting scent. 

He'd brush his teeth later. For now, he needed to find Kakashi. 

And he had a sinking feeling in his gut that whatever would happen, it wouldn't be good.


Soft, silent breaths. He was trying his best to locate Kakashi, but his mind and body was spinning with complete and utter panic. He needed to find him, and needed to find him soon

He needed. He longed to find Kakashi, to be simply comforted by the prescence. 

However, this was not what he expected. 

He burst into an underground latch, chains rattling in his ears. He blinked softly, before cautiously continuing. At this point, everything inside of him was screaming at him to turn and leave Kakashi behind. 

It was where he'd been held. He could feel it-- the mist, the concrete underneath his sandaled feet. The echoing of his breaths and his not-so-quiet steps. 

He started to rush down the hallway, finding himself running quicker. He was following instinct at this point. 

Lilacs. Hamasaki's scent. She'd been here recently. 

His heartbeat doubled in speed, but he no longer cared. He couldn't. He couldn't afford to dwell on how the shadows of his mind was comparing each step to how scared and cold he'd felt, to how bad everything had been. 

To how hungry he was, and how he'd simply, eventually just given up. 

So he ran, although his breath was rattling in his throat and his entire being was completely exhausted from simply going through those diaries, even though it had only been two of them. And there had certainly been more for him to go through. 

He drew his sword as he entered the room. 

And a semi-familiar Uzumaki turned to look at him. 

He was... shorter then Hikaru had expected. About five inches smaller then Hikaru, coming up to his shoulder-ish. 

Green eyes were cold, piercing into him like he'd known what Hikaru had been through. Like he completely understood. 

Like he would be safe. 

But he disrupted his chakra and the feeling melted away. He was no longer warm and pliant-- a snarl twisted onto his face, violet eyes narrowed in complete and utter fury.  

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