Chapter 38

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Hikaru couldn't avoid it anymore. 

So, two days after the talk with Kakashi he met up with Itachi. He couldn't do anything else, but Itachi was still somewhere around Konoha, so Hikaru tracked him down. They met up in an obscure part of the forest surrounding Konoha. 

"So, Itachi, how did you know about me?" Hikaru asked, sitting on a tree branch a little ways away from the increasingly sick Akatsuki member. 

"When Sasuke was born, I started to have dreams." Itachi muttered. "Dreams of a different world- Sasuke was a rouge and you were in them, except you looked just as you do now, minus the scar on your face. I was wearing this cloak, and there had been a war."

"That's how you know? Prophetic dreams?" Hikaru raised a crimson eyebrow.

"Yes. I took my concerns to Danzo-sama and the former Hokage-sama, but they brushed it off as if it hadn't real. Then you arrived, and Hokage-sama told me that you spoke of the world that had been in my dreams." Itachi explained, lifting his arm. A nearby crow landed on it, feathers black and sending a pang through Hikaru. 

Both of the eyes were normal. 

"I had a crow set up for Shisui's eyes ever since, but I had been lucky to be able to burn both." Itachi finished softly. "Otherwise I'm not sure what I would've done."

There was a strange regality about the dying man. He made it seem as if it weren't a desperate scramble for his own life. 

But if he knew, others knew as well. 

"Did anybody else speak of me?" Hikaru chose to ask, playing with a green leaf that had landed in his lap. 

"A girl in the Academy did so. Then another in ANBU- his name had been Neko, I believe." Itachi looked over at him. "But that is all I know of from Konoha. I'll be taking my leave, Hikaru-san. I'll see you around."

Then Itachi disappeared in a whirl of crows, the fluttering of wings sending Hikaru to think. He tilted his head, cold finger on his chin.


He would have to track him down. 


Naruto and Jiraiya came back with Tsunade a day later, and she'd agreed to become Hokage as long as Jiraiya taught Naruto the Rasengan and some more of his father's jutsu. That, and for Jiraiya to stop asking her out because it was not going to happen. 

Hikaru met Tsunade briefly when he came from visiting Sasuke in the hospital, and already he felt like breaking down and crying. But he refused too, knowing that he was trying to be a completely different person than his timeline's Tsunade knew him as.

Everything hurt again. His eyes, his ears, the light. But if she ever decided to bring him into the hospital she would need to know he wasn't who he claimed to be. 

So, for now he acted respectful. He bowed to her as she passed, just like the nurses had done. Naruto looked at him like he'd grown a third head, and frankly Hikaru wished he had. He hated bowing, just like he hated formality. 

Still, he continued on his way home. 

That seal would be getting put on him today even if it became the last thing he did.


Kakashi's POV

Hikaru was an engima. He'd done so many odd, strange things that he didn't even know where to start with it, only one day he'd arrived in Konoha and the next he was a major suspicious flag. He'd asked a little bit around the ANBU but nobody had even worked with him before, which was why he knew it had not been a Konoha-issued ANBU mask. 

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