Chapter 27

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The part that Hikaru hated the most was waking up. 

He fucking hurt all over. If the nurse had him on any pain medication, he didn't feel it at all, but then again it was a given considering his extremely high metabolism. But his eyes nor his heartbeat even so much as fluttered, nor did his fingers twitch because even though he knew where he was, he did not want to wake up. 


He wanted to stay asleep, give up for once in his life because surely it was okay to give up, right? He'd lived a nice, long 25-ish years and he would just like to keel over, thanks. 

But he wouldn't. He had a self-imposed promise to fufill and genin to protect, so no matter how much he wanted to give up, he wouldn't. Of course, it was also due to the fact that he somehow knew that everything would end up in a war anyway without him there, so he would stay.

Hikaru breathed in deeply. 

And finally opened his eyes. 

Okay, so he was not in Konoha's hospital, nor was he facing a brilliant white ceiling. No, what he was facing was a musty, dark-grey ceiling that Hikaru refused to go into further detail. However, the cleanliness of the air spoke of a hospital, but the appearance definitely wasn't of one. 

Then again, Hikaru should have expected this. He did, in a way. When he'd been a genin, he'd never even set foot in the clinic even when Inari got a really bad cut on his shin a day or so before they'd left. 

"Are you awake?"

Hikaru would've jumped at the familiar voice had he not felt the familiar chakra that had spiked a bit upon the question. He glanced over at Sakura, knowing his eyesight was blurry. 

His somehow still numb fingers reached up, and he relaxed slightly when they brushed against porcelain. However, he was still careful to keep his voice monotone when he answered her. 

"Yes. How long has it been?" He asked, knowing by his sudden, killer headache that it had been at least an hour or two. Maybe longer. Hikaru often lost track of the time. 

"It's been about three hours. Dr. Hamasaki-san said that you should be sleeping longer, though." Sakura said, curiosity leaking slowly into her tone. From what Hikaru could see- which wasn't much, the poison must have been strong- she was fidgiting in her chair by his bed. 

"Maa, maa, Sakura-chan I think it's best to wait before we start interrogating him." Kakashi suddenly appeared in the doorway, and Hikaru jumped slightly. He hadn't really been paying attention- which he now cursed himself for, considering his heart was now pounding in his throat- and thus, had been surprised by him. 

Hikaru blinked, attempting to clear his vision, realizing the KI in the room was slowly increasing. Confusion bloomed inside of him, but he pushed it away after quickly thinking the situation through. 

So, if he was Kakashi but didn't have a clue that Hikaru was, well, Hikaru, the most appropriate action to take was to treat him with caution. And since Sakura nor the genin had no idea it was him-

A small little flag rose in his mind even though he wasn't currently on the subject. 

When he'd taken off the seal that kept his chakra hidden and low, Kakashi had likely recognized the signature. If Hikaru was lucky, Kurama fusing with him would have very hopefully changed it, but if he wasn't lucky Hikaru was completely screwed over. That would be that. 

He'd have to go into hiding, possibly leave the village and do things that way, change his name and somehow his appearance...

"Sakura-chan, why don't you go and get Dr. Hamasaki-san? I'll wait here with the ANBU." Kakashi said in a decievingly friendly voice. Hikaru resisted the urge to get out of there- he could barely move his numb limbs, so what was the point. 

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