Chapter 5

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Hello! I hope you enjoy this chapter.
Human thot


Hikaru looked over at Gaara, seeing the pitch-black bands around his sea-green eyes. Red hair a simple messy mop, much like his own at the moment. "Get some rest." He ordered softly, glancing away and towards the rising dawn. 

He'd forgotten how gorgeous the sunrises here were. 

"How can I repay you?" Gaara's head tilted robotically, crossing his arms.

"I don't know, but I should go." He offered a tired, miniscule smile. "See you around, Gaara-san."

"Hm." Was the simple hum, and Hikaru quietly made a handsign.

He blinked, and saw Sarutobi's office around him. Huh. It seemed to be past 8 in the morning, which didn't bother him much, but it sure appeared to bother them. A pang almost shook his body, but he masked it by adjusting his hitai-ate.

He missed this. The feeling of contentment that he'd been so used to in Konoha. 

It faded too fast to really embrace it, though. Leaving him aching. 

"Alright. What'd you do for my backstory?"

"Your backstory?" Inochi blinks. "I borrowed a few chunin, and put memories of chatting briefly with you when they were a bit younger. You're a recent jonin that was on a mission that lasted a week. Six successful a-ranks, 37 b-ranks, about 50 c-ranks, and 14 d-ranks. The only reason why you have a low amount of d-ranks in your file is because you're barely in the village."

"Your team, jonin and all, died in the Third War. You survived due to your high-level of sealing, and took many missions outside of Konoha after that. You specialize in fuinjutsu and ninjutsu, and have dabbled in kenjutsu. Anyway, in this recent mission you were on your own, and scouting out a base in the Wave Country. You will go destroy it sometime next month with a genin team." Inochi finished.

Shikaku stepped forward with a few files in hand. "Here. Read through 'em." He simply drawled.

Hikaru opened his file, and read it fully. His skills were simple and didn't list much, thus keeping most of his skills a secret.

"This is good. Thank you, Shikaku, Inochi." Hikaru said, before closing the files and handing them back.


Hikaru walked through Konoha, another bag of dango in his hand. He swung it slightly as he walked through less crowded streets. It was closer to evening, meaning not as much people were milling about.

He reached into the bag and started to munch on another dango stick.

It was three days after Hikaru's backstory had been created and he hasn't been able to get much sleep since then. Nightmares kept him awake, so he trained more often.

He was heading to a training ground right now, in fact. If only the chakra that's been tailing him for awhile would leave him alone.

Hikaru yawned, tossing the empty bag into a nearby trashcan. His posture was straight, and his chin was slightly tilted up. He'd drilled this posture into himself before becoming Hokage. After Neji got killed in a mission gone wrong.

Every dead body has taught him something, at least. From Neji, he learned posture. From Choji, he learned to worship food.

Ino, he'd gotten his long hair.

The rest hadn't mattered after awhile. Naruto had stopped learning things from them near the end of the war. They didn't have food. They hadn't had water. Only chakra and soldier pills.

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