Chapter 35

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When he awoke, he lay in his training grounds. The grass whispered against his cheek, causing a wince because it seared into his skin. It was almost, almost worse than leaving his timeline. 

Hikaru tried to move. 

Immediately, that attempt became followed by an agonizing, nonstop ringing in his ears. His hands shot up, covering his ears, no matter how much the attempt hurt. And it did- Hikaru would rate it a solid 6 or 7 on the pain scale. 

His breath echoed in his ears, and even moving to breathe caused a spear of agony to cascade angrily down his spine and into his toes. 

He could feel a presence curl into his head, but Hikaru couldn't bring himself there. Not when he was so firmly rooted in the present, in the waves of pain that washed over him worse than any scar he'd recieved. 


He barely got a reply- knowing that eventually Kurama would be fully gone from his body, from his mind. 

Even then, he still didn't want to let go. 

"Na... Naruto."

And then Kurama was gone, fully gone, only a tendril of his chakra left that Hikaru was sure was being used to locate him. 

Hikaru fell to the side, curling in a ball, unable to even scream from the torture that pounded into his head, burned itself into his nerves. Every rustle of a leaf even meters upwards echoed and bounced in his brain, and the light seared itself into his eyes. 

He choked down sobs without even knowing it. 

And, eventually, when the pain was too much to bear Hikaru couldn't even faint. He was reduced to a single speck of dust that was being stomped on by the entire universe, and he couldn't even scream. 

Footsteps in the distance. 

Hikaru winced at the assault on his ears, hating himself for even being like this in the first place. He wondered who would see him. 

They grew closer- the crashing of grass combining with the rustling of the leaves and making the world's most angonizing symphony in his head. 

He couldn't breathe, couldn't move at all-

He was picked up. 

And Hikaru let himself faint.


When he awoke, he was in a hospital room. 

Kurama was gone.

Was his first reminder.

The second was the faint buzz of electricity that hummed in his ears- a soft flickering that both hurt and annoyed him. 

It was silent. So silent. 


There were no visitors allowed in this wing of the hospital room. And, apparently the poison permanetly 'crippled' him by giving him heightened everything. Or, at least, that's what he told the nurses, who weren't allowed to draw blood by the order of the Hokage. 

He knew what really went on. 

Kurama had fully left him, heading onto Naruto because that's who he was drawn to. Hikaru had felt it over the course of the past two weeks, knowing that their time was limited but he didn't even have a coherent enough goodbye

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