Chapter 30

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"I'm sure you've realized by now." you sneered at the wall, banging your hand on the box in aggravation. You thought that his plan was merely to trap you here and watch you attack constantly until you ran out of chakra. But that wasn't it at all.

"Whether you fight back or not, this container will slowly drain all of your chakra. You have three minutes. Once that has been depleted, you will be just as defenseless as a normal villager. Makes it much easier for me to deal with you, indefinitely."

"You really think Gaara won't find me by then!!" They probably already figured it out. You're at the entrance of the village for goodness sakes! Someone will see." His laughter unnerved you.

"Ninjutsu isn't the only thing I'm good at (Y/N). Genjutsu is like second nature. There's no way they'll find you before it's over. " you swallowed.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Don't sound so innocent. This all happened because of you. You leaf ninja. You've killed countless of us, yet our great Kazekage still decided to form an alliance. What's worse, he's fraternizing with the enemy. How disgusting. You've seduced our leader to bend to your will. I'm not blind to what's really going on. You won't get away with it." His eyes shifted to the watch on his arm, smirking.

"Your little parade is about to end. " he spoke confidently.

"You're a fool if you think this simple action will change anything." He frowned at that.

"What do you hope to achieve after killing me, you think they'll go to war because one ignorant coward decided to hurt someone. Our bonds are far stronger than what you believe. My friends, no, my family, this will make them stronger. This will push them to make sure that no one else ever tries to use their twisted views to bring chaos and bloodshed to our peace. So go ahead, kill me, it won't solve a thing." he gritted his teeth, and when the last second ran out on his watch, he lowered the wooden barrier. He smiled in satisfaction when your body hit the floor when the walls were no longer kept blocked in. Sweat was running down your forehead, and you seemed breathless. Pulling out his kunai, he took a stepping, kneeling and smiling as he placed the blade over your heart.

"Big talk for someone who's about to die. You should have just stayed in your inferior village. Now it's time you die!" When he pressed the blade into your chest, he was shocked at the puff of smoke that appeared.

"W-What! A clone, but how!" he turned in shock, searching for your body.

"You should have paid better attention." when you appeared right behind him, he flinched, turning quickly. He gasped at where you stood, not only that, but the male at your side made his body tense.

"K-Kazekage-sama.." Gaara's eyes were rid of any remorse.

"B-But how could you have gotten out, I stole all of your chakra." you swished your hand with a bored expression. "I knew the minute I saw you there was something wrong. And when you gave me that poor excuse for leaving your post, it wasn't hard to put the pieces together. No one would abandon their responsibilities like that. Guarding the village comes above all else. The entrance is the first line of defense in case of an attack. Under no circumstances are you to leave, not even if the Kazekage is presumed dead. " He glared at you, and Gaara raised his hand. Sand swirled all the way up the ninja's body, stopping right at his neck. He struggled, grunting in discomfort.

"I also know such a jutsu takes up a remarkable amount of chakra. Between the genjutsu you set up to keep anyone out, and the barrier you used to trap me in, I figured it would be difficult for you to do much else. That's why the time frame was so short. You're unable to hold such a jutsu for much longer. You really put you're all in such a foolish plan. "

"You will never understand. You weren't even a thought when the wars between our villages began. This alliance is a mistake!! There will be others, there's no stopping such a revolution. War is guaranteed, whether you acknowledge it or not. I'm just one soldier. " Gaara was tired of hearing the stupid rantings, with a nudge of his finger he placed a pile of sand across the ninja's mouth.

"You will be tried with treason, that is the only thing that's guaranteed." Just like that, Gaara was escorting the man back with his sand. It would take a while to get back and calm down the village that was so sure a war was about to break out, but right now, you weren't worried. You were just thankful that the disaster was avoided. It might have been stupid, but you were grateful that it was just an attack on you, rather than the entire village. As you followed, Gaara wouldn't let you leave his line of sight, and you just sent him a small smile.

"I'm okay." you mouthed.

It would take some time to reassure him as well.


"He's lucky we don't kill him." Kankuro groused. It took days to get the village running as usual, and after you sent word back to the Konoha that all was well, you decided to stick around and lend a hand.

"I'm just glad it's all over." you mutter, dropping on the chair in Gaara's office. Thankfully with his sand, rebuilding the damaged area didn't take as long. Gaara had to relocate for a while as it was being fixed, but other than that, everything was slowly but surely coming back to normalcy. Except for Gaara that was. He was more careful with just about everything now, that included you. He tried to keep you as close as possible for as long as you stayed. He also seemed quite stern with the ninjas under his command. You supposed he didn't want another manic running around because he was displeased with the alliance between Suna and Konoha. You couldn't blame him. His main priority was the village. You just felt a bit guilty. This all started because of you. You looked over at his desk where he was diligently filling out documents. You sighed at the look on his face. You couldn't remember the last time you'd seen a smile grace his face. Poor guy was putting so much on his shoulders, and it was starting to show. You wished you could just whisk him away, but as it stood, there was a lot that needed to go over.

"Hey Gaara, you've been working nonstop since this happened, maybe you need a break. " Even Kankuro was concerned. Gaara looked exhausted.

"I'm fine." He said flatly. Kankuro's eyes turned to you, and he made a face. You let out another sigh. "I'm a little tired, I think I'll head to bed Gaara." His teal eyes darted up, and he blinked cutely. "Ah, I am a little tired. I suppose a nap wouldn't hurt." you snicker under your breath, and Kankuro sends a thumbs up when Gaara isn't looking.

"Get a lot of rest you hear!!" Kankuro's voice echoes throughout the hall as you make your exit. You're walking side by side, but you can tell by the look on his face that he's still bothered by it all. 

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