Chapter 4

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When you all had gotten to the ramen shop Naruto was the first to order. He was overly happy when Gaara said he would pay. You chuckled as Naruto wolfed down three bowls already going on fourth whereas you and Gaara were still on your first.

"Papa is gonna win this time!" a male voice echoed in your head. You lips drew into a tight line at the memory that had suddenly flashed in your mind.

"Of all the times." you thought bitterly.

"Fanks Gaara!" Naruto said in between slurps of his ramen. Gaara just smiled continuing to eat as he looked over at you. Your eyes were trained on the bowl in front of you chopsticks still in hand. A solemn look crossed your face as you stared at the food. Gaara was deeply puzzled as to how your mood had suddenly changed.

"I'm actually not feeling to hungry honestly. I'm just gonna take a little walk." you spoke putting your chopsticks together as you placed them at the side of the bowl. You stood looking as Naruto eyed your bowl. You laughed softly. "Go ahead Naruto." you encouraged. He smiled brightly grabbing your bowl. "Gee Thanks (Y/N)-chan." he continued to eat quickly as you turned.

A hand gripped your wrist softly. "I would like to accompany you." Gaara's words were a surprise to you. " Y-You should stay to make sure Naruto get to his room alright." you urged.

"I will appoint someone to look out for him." He seemed really determined to join you.

"I really want to be alone but if I refuse him it would be really rude."

"O-Ok then, I don't mind." He followed you out as you both exited the shop.

~Ten Minutes Later~

Neither of you had said a word since you had started walking. Your gaze was directed at the ground as you made every step. You were a little aggravated that Gaara had insisted to come with you. Whenever you had flashes of your past it was only a matter of time before you started to cry. You were a very reserved person. The list of people who had actually seen you lose your composure was pretty short. Not even Naruto had ever seen you cry.

"Are you alright (Y/N)-san?" His voice was low as he stopped walking turning to face you.

"I-I'm fine r-really. I just felt a little sick is all, nothing to worry about it was just a long journey." You were trying your hardest to convince him even that nothing was wrong. But your chest felt heavy.

"There is something else that is bothering you." His tone left no room for you to even deny, he spoke so surely. It was a bit unnerving. You averted his gaze.

"I know that we have only just met but you are a dear friend of Naruto's, therefore I feel it's almost my duty to ensure you are fine."

You shook your head. "It's not necessary." you insisted. You couldn't look at him cause you knew the minute he saw your wavering eyes he'd gave you that look. That pitied look they all wore. It pissed you off.

His eyes studied you for a few seconds. "You lost someone."

Your eyes flashed with anger at his words.

"SHUT UP!" you screamed viciously, hands clenched tightly as you glared at him. A few moments had passed and he didn't even look affected. His eyes reflected the usual blank expression.

You gasped lightly finally registering what you had said. "G-Gaara I-I...." you had no idea what to say. You had just yelled at Kazekage. "Shit, What the hell is wrong with me." He started to walk towards you slowly and you flinched moving back as he got closer to you. "W-What are you doing s-stay back!" your voice quavered as he stood directly in front of you. You looked at him in slight fear. You knew he wouldn't hurt you but having him stand so close was terrifying. Without a word he pulled you into his arms wrapping them securely against your smaller form.

Your eyes were wide unsure of what to do, fingers twitching as your hands were at your sides.

"I have experienced the same pain you are going through. If you continue to keep it bottle inside it will slowly kill you until there is no light." Gaara paused for a second before he continued "Naruto.....he was the first person to show me what the true meaning of strength is. There is nothing wrong with letting others in."

Your eyes watered as you listened to his words, tears running profusely down your cheeks. Moving forward your hands wrapped around his torso as your gripped unto his clothing at the back, body shaking you buried your face into his chest.

"T-They all died because of me...I was to weak." you whimpered.

Gaara's hand rested on your head as he stroked your hair soothingly.

"Their sacrifice was made so you would live proudly, I believe that whoever you lost they gave their lives to ensure you will go and and show others the same love and strength they had when they protected you (Y/N)-san."

You pulled away slowly as you looked up at him, eyes trembling. His eyes didn't hold any pity, it was more a look of understanding.

"My mother died bringing me into this world, after that my life slowly became consumed by all the hate that I received. " There was a incredible amount of emotion that reflected in his eyes.

You gasped. "G-Gaara...."

"I'm not sure who you lost but do not let that stay, it will consume you until there is nothing left to take. I was lucky enough to have people around me who cared, I will be that person to help you out of the dark if you need. The same way Naruto did for me." His hand moved to your cheek, gently wiping the tears that stained your face.

"I will heal the wound on your heart (Y/N)-san." he declared boldly.

"E-Eh? EHHHH!! w-what d-do you mean by that?!" You were flustered at his sudden statement. His eyes seemed to glow at your question as a smile adorned his lips. He leaned forward causing your cheeks to turn a darker shade of red. Your eyes screwed shut as your hands trembled slightly anticipating what he was about to do.

"H-He wouldn't k-kiss me right!?! w-we just met p-plus he's the kazekage." You tried to reason. Your resolve was slowly diminishing as he got closer. If this had been any other guy you would have definitely buried him into the ground by now. So why were you letting Gaara? Somewhere at the back of your mind you knew why.

His lips made contact with your cheek, your eyes popped open in disbelief.

He pulled away slightly with a smile still on his face, obviously satisfied with himself.

"We should get back to Naruto." Gaara commented casually, releasing you completely as he started to walk.

You stood in place dumbfounded. "What the hell just happened!!"

"Oiiii!!! Y-You can't just d-do something like t-that and walk away like n-nothing happened!!" you spluttered pointing an accusing finger at him. He merely turned, smiling in your direction.

You hand froze midair, heart beating erratically in your chest. "W-What's with this guy...why am I so.." you yelped when you felt sand under your feet as your body was lifted into the air. Gaara had mounted unto his sand taking you with him. He made a small surface with enough room for you both to stand on. He grasped your hand softly, causing your cheeks to once again burn red. Gaara didn't say a word as you both soared through the air.

The words he had spoken earlier were still echoing in your head.

"I will heal the wound on your heart (Y/N)-san."

Biting your lip you looked away. The back of your palm was pressed against your lips as you tried to control your blush.

Things were gonna be interesting, that was for sure.

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