Chapter 9

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~Hokage's office~

Tsunade groaned looking over the many piles of paperwork at her desk. Shizune stood by the desk lecturing her as usual.

"If you hadn't gone out drinking again maybe it wouldn't have piled up."

"This damn job is such a hassle." Tsunade grumbled pulling out a small bottle of sake from her desk drawer. Shizune flinched before she paced grabbing the bottle of alcohol from Tsunade.

"Hey!" Shizune closed her eyes tossing it out the window. "No alcohol on the job." she said sternly holding Ton Ton securely in her arms.

"Damn you.."

The door flying open startled both females as Sakura rushed in. "Lady Tsunade the rogue ninja was spotted off in the forest. Kakashi and Guy are off to check the disturbance." The pinknette reported.

"I'm sure they can handle it."

Sakura's worried glance didn't go unnoticed. "This rogue....he's attacked before."

Tsunade raged standing. "What! He's targeted Konoha already? How haven't I heard about this!"Sakura flinched at the outburst before speaking again.

"You know about (Y/N)-chan's past right Lady Tsunade, before she had joined Konoha."

Tsunade folded her arms angrily. "Of course I do, I was the one who attended to her condition."

Shizune looked down with a sorrowful look as she spoke.

"Her parents were slaughtered before her eyes. If Kakashi and the others hadn't found her she would have died outside the village."

Sakura nodded. "The description we received from the Anbu sounds like one of the brothers who had been responsible. I...never understood why they attacked her, she wasn't even a ninja back then, her body was so weak."

"Her clan had remarkable chakra control and manipulation. Because her body was so weak she couldn't master it. Their specialty was summoning animals. They were most likely after her older brother. He was in line to be a successor. " Shizune clarified. "When we found her she was was bleeding terribly, constantly crying for her brother." she grimaced recalling the memory.

"It was reported that all the rogues responsible had been killed, but it seems that's not the case." Tsunade added.

"So he came back to even a score then." Sakura said with clenched fists.

"It appears that way. Let's hope Kakashi and Gai arrive in time. I'm afraid that if she recognizes him she won't be able to fight."

"Lady Tsunade why can't I go and-"

"Don't. They can handle this. Your only duty is to ensure no civilians are in the area. If this things get out of hand I'll take care of it."


"My decision is final, get to it Sakura!" With a hesitant nod Sakura left. "Yes lady Tsunade."

Shizune watched as the the pink haired girl ran off. "I all works out." 

Kakashi had been informed of the threat on the way, meeting up with Gai. They were both running briskly to where the rogue was seen. Gai was quiet, a troubled look in his eyes. 

"I had a feeling that he was the one." Gai spoke breaking the silence. Kakashi turned to him confused. "The rogue? You sensed him earlier."

Gai nodded as they continued running now making it to the forest's entrance. Carefully avoiding trees and branches they kept moving. "You remember when we had found (Y/N)-san....she was on the verge of death. That image never left me." Gai confessed.

"Let's make sure she doesn't have to go through that again." Kakashi said as they increased their pace.

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