Chapter 2

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~The next morning~

You stood at the gates with packed bags. Kakashi and Sakura had came to see you both off.

"Alright you guys be careful. Don't be afraid to give him a good beating if he does anything stupid." Sakura said glaring at Naruto.

"Come on Sakura-chan." Naruto whined.

"If (Y/N)-chan comes back with even scratch I'll kill you.." she threatened causing naruto to sweat profusely.

"H-Hai!!" he said stiffly.

Kakashi chuckled as he patted you on the head. "Be careful and please don't try and bring back any strange animals."

"EHH!! B-But-" He shook his head as you sulked.

"No fair."

"Well we better get going. See ya later dattebayo!!" you waved them both off as you and Naruto started on your way.

"Please be careful!!" Sakura yelled out. You nodded

"Don't worry we will."you replied. With that you were both off.

"Here we come Sunagakure."

It had been a good couple of hours you both had been travelling, jumping through the trees briskly you kept an eye out for any threats. Naruto was usually a bit dense when it came to sensing chakra but you weren't to bad. You had put a lot of effort into training to make up for your weakness.

Briskly moving through the trees you noticed something shine in the distance.

"Naruto!" you called out. He turned suddenly stumbling on a branch almost falling off. His hands flailed about for a few seconds before he regained his footing.

"What's the big idea!!" he yelled annoyed. You nudged your head pulling out a kunai. Throwing it in the distance at a tree. As soon as the weapon hit the base of the tree it exploded immediately.

Naruto's eyes were wide as you both watched the smoke, it slowly started to settle as you moved closer. You stopped where your eyes had caught the wire.

"The wire was set to throw us off, they were counting on us spotting it."

Naruto was on guard looking around. " You guys are smarter than you look." a voice spoke as someone jumped out of the of the bushes, standing above your head on a huge branch.

"Are you saying we look stupid!" Naruto fumed. The ninja standing before you chuckled.

"Well the girl looks like she has a little bit of brain cells, you not so much."

Naruto growled pointing at the man." Just shut up already let's fight!"

"Shadow clone jutsu!" you sighed when he charged at the guy without a second thought. "Damn it Naruto, use your head for once why don't you."

While Naruto was squaring off with the rogue ninja you surveyed the surroundings.

"I'm pretty sure he isn't the only one, I sense someone else." Placing your hand on the tree you closed your eyes focusing.

Your eyes shot open just as someone appeared behind Naruto. Distracted with his opponent he hadn't seen the attacker.


Naruto flinched, he couldn't block fast enough as the guy held a kunai in his hand swinging at Naruto's face.

You intercepted the attack grabbing the kunai with your bare hands. It sliced some of your fingers as some blood dripped from your palm. The rogue grunted jumping back. You pulled out a shuriken from your back pocket tossing it behind your head. Aiming for the guy behind Naruto, the male dodged flipping as he landed in a few feet away.

"You're fast." The one in front of you called as he folded his arms. Naruto looked down at your injured palm with guilt.


You shook your head dropping the kunai you had caught from the rogue. "I'm fine, just don't run off reckless again."

He nodded as you both stood back to back. "What's the plan." He whispered. You looked both of them over assessing the situation.

"They both seem to have a structured fighting dynamic, that guy could have attacked at any point so why'd he make himself know so quickly."

Your eyes glanced ahead, another shine a good twenty feet away.

"So that's it, how stupid to repeat the same tactic."

You laughed internally. "I need you to make some more clones to distract them, leave the rest to me." He looked reluctant but he nodded.


"Shadow clone jutsu!" over twenty clones appeared shooting off in the direction of both the males. You jumped away when they were to occupied with Naruto, heading straight for the light you had spotted ahead.

You stopped right in front of the wire kneeling. Pulling out a blade from your pouch you sliced the wire.

"Big mistake." Another man had came into view, he charged at you with a katana. You smirked, dropping to your hands you kicked his feet from under him. He gasped blade slipping from his hand as he fell backwards. From the looks of it he hadn't expected you to figure it out, he was planning to take you by surprise. You lifted your foot driving it into his face as he crashed through a couple branches before he made it to the ground with a loud crash.

"Onii-san!!" Both males yelled shocked. Naruto grinned as he started building up two rasengans using his clones. The both of them blinked at the attack trying to get away from it.

"Eat this you bastards!!" He rushed at them pressing the blue chakra balls to their abdominals. A loud yell was heard from them as their bodies spiraled into the air crashing into a couple trees a great distance away.

"That'll teach them to call us stupid." he seethed pumping his fist. You giggled looking back at him.

"They only called you stupid actually." you corrected. Naruto scowled. "S-shut up!!"

Trying to stifle your laughter you looked him over for any injuries.

"How did you know there was three of them anyway?" Naruto questioned.

"The wires that they placed were put intentionally, they wanted us to spot it just in time so we'll have no choice but to jump on the tree ahead that had a paper bomb attached to it. If that didn't work they set up another wire so we'd assume the tree would have another bomb, instead that guy was there just waiting for me to slip up." you explained.

Naruto rubbed his head. "'re pretty smart (Y/N)-chan."

"I'm just observant, you should try it great hokage~" you teased. He flushed from embarrassment turning away with a huff. "Whatever!!"

Your eyes looked at the dripping fingers pulling out bandages as you wrapped the injury.

"Let's get moving before they wake up." You turned watching the twitching figures on the ground.

"Hah! if they wake we'll just beat em again." Naruto boasted.

You merely shook your head. "Alright, I'm getting hungry so let's go."

"Yeah I could use something to eat to dattebayo." he stated rubbing his stomach. You both took off once again to your destination.

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