Chapter 28

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"Lord Kazekage, the area has been cleared. There was an uproar in the streets but we've sanctioned people to keep the chaos to a minimum." Gaara nodded at the ninja, staring over at the very huge hole in the building.

"This wasn't intended to kill me, they're trying to cause a stir to keep us distracted." His sand had quickly and efficiently protected him from the blast, but whoever delivered the bomb must have predicted that would happen.

"Any word from Konoha." The ninja shook his head. "We haven't received any updates, but everyone is standing clear. "

"Temari and Kankuro should be returning soon. I hope (Y/N) is alright as well."

"For now I'd like you to make sure the village is okay, whoever has done this will make themselves known."

"Yes Lord Kazekage." With that the male was off. Gaara folded his arms in annoyance. He'd wanted to avoid war if possible.

"GAARA!!" His head turned at the voice calling out to him. "(Y/N)!!!" your smile widened at the fact that he was unharmed. You jumped into his arms, and he wrapped them around you with a broad smile. "I'm relieved you're safe. " you nod, holding him tightly. "I'm glad you're good too, I got a little worried when I saw the explosion. I knew you'd be fine though, you always are. "When you pulled away, your eyes turned serious. 

"Gaara, something doesn't feel right about all of this. If this is really a planned attack, why would they only hit here of all places. They had to have known it would draw attention. The villagers they are..they're terrified. That blast almost hurt two kids." 

You were still a bit enraged at that. These people didn't care you they took out for their stupid cause. "I was thinking the same. Temari and Kankuro will ensure everyone is safe. I have people set up all over to keep the damage at a low. I can't risk anyone getting hurt. It's alarming to me that they've chosen to do this so unprofessionally. I have no idea what the actual target is, and it worries me."

"Is Konoha safe?"

"I haven't gotten any information that clarifies their safety, for now we'll have to wait. "

"Okay, well I need to get back out there. Make sure everything is okay." Before you could turn to run off, Gaara grabbed your hand. "Please, be careful." you smirked. "I always am." and just liked that you were taking off again. Gaara watched you leave, a bit weary. He knew it was a risk to send you back out, more so because he wasn't sure what was going on yet, and you were the type to jump head first into danger if it meant you could protect everyone. He needed to get to the bottom of this, quickly.


"Lady Tsunade, I know Gaara said there would be danger, but there's been no attacks. Not even one. Are you sure the intel was solid. Maybe they were intercepted somehow. " Tsunade shook her head at Sakura's statement.

"We have just one of the traitors in our interrogation. They should be getting back any minute now with some information.

When Keiji, Naruto and Kakashi came bounding through the door, Tsunade knew for certain it was not good news. "We have to get word to Sunagakure immediately!!" The urgency behind Keiji's voice made Tsunade worried.

"What did you discover, Kakashi?"

"I'm afraid it isn't what we had initially thought. This whole talk of a war, it was a distraction to keep us occupied. The real target is much smaller than we realize. Inojin was able to pry out some information. With any luck we can use him to transfer back a message to Suna before it becomes too late."

There was no other way to transfer the message. A trip to Suna would take days, even the most skilled ninja would have difficulty getting there before it all went down.

"Understood. Do we know what the target is?"

Keiji looked down, clenching his fist. "Yes." he spoke tightly.

No one needed clarification, they could see it on his face.


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