Start from the beginning

"Helion!" Prim yelled, moving forward and knowing that Orion was right behind her.

Helion seemed rather relieved to see them. "Orion, where's your father?"

"In the main camp. Have you seen Lucien or Tamlin?" Orion asked, a wing wrapping around Prim's side as they stood amongst the havoc.

Something flashed in Helion's eyes, something that Primrose couldn't quite identify. Fear, perhaps. "No," he muttered. "I haven't seen them since this morning."

Together, they had to be somewhere. They wouldn't have left. No, her father wanted to see her, he wouldn't leave without talking to her. Would he? Prim's chest tightened and Orion's wing only pulled her in closer to his body.

"They might have gone back to the main camp? We might have missed them. What if my fathers looking for me?" Prim breathed, hating how her hands trembled at her sides.

Helion looked around him, at his soldiers, his people. But Lucien was his too, his son, his only child. The High Lord turned back to Prim with a nod, "You go back to the main camp, I'll go and check the other clearings. We'll find them."

"Thank you," Orion smiled, taking Prim's hand and starting to pull her along. "Good luck."

Offering them a smile as he turned, Prim watched Helion disappear through the trees. She looked to Orion, his brow sweaty and his chest heaving with each breath as he pulled her through the woodland. She felt numb, which was almost impossible with the burning sensation that covered her skin. Her feet felt like dead weights, her whole body relying on Orion's strength. It wasn't until a ball of flames surged toward them that Prim came back into her body, pushing Orion out the way as the fire slammed into the tree where his body had just been.

They hit the floor, hard. Prim scrambled, looking desperately around as she protected Orion's body with her own. The person had gone and Orion was scowling as he pushed himself up, cupping Prim's cheeks with his hands. "What are you doing?!" he snapped, pulling her close and wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"It would have hit you," Prim insisted. "I was saving your life."

He shook his head, pressing a kiss to her forehead, "You're an idiot, Primrose Daley. I don't care about my life, all I care about is you. Please don't do that again."

Prim sighed, standing up and pulling Orion with her, "I'll do what I have to do to keep the people I love safe."

They took off again, the forest moving in a blur as they pushed forward. The ache in her thighs was just an annoying tingle, and it wouldn't stop her. As they moved toward the main camp, she could see the flames, taller than the trees. Illyrians were in the air, circling and aiming for those belonging to the Autumn Court. Orion flared his wings, knocking two people aside who had been coming at them. Something silver flashed against the melted snow. Kneeling, Prim pulled out a sword, gripping it tightly by the hilt and holding it up, ready for anyone who may try and attack them.

They moved into the thick of the battle, hitting down anyone who came their way and dodging fireballs that were launched in their direction. She could hardly see Orion, twisting and turning to defeat any Autumn Court soldiers that crossed her path. It was a complete ambush. Luckily, she didn't need to look to know he was okay. She felt that steady figure behind her, felt the strength of their bond that told her he was alright.


Prim turned, her sword high, as her eyes zoned in on who had called her. Golden hair, green eyes. Her father. He had a dagger in his hand, a smile on his lips despite the blood splatters on his armour. Just as Primrose was about to step toward him, a blazing circle rose around them. Tamlin was running before she could even blink. He was running, not toward her, but toward Orion. Prim turned, ignoring how her body screamed against the heat on her back, and watched in slow-motion as an Autumn Court soldier threw another fireball, this time aimed at Orion's back, at his wings.

Instead of pushing him away, Tamlin stood in front of Orion, taking the hit in his place and knocking them both back as the force smacked into his chest. Prim let out a scream, it may have been Orion's name, or her father's, but to her, it was just noise. Orion swung around, crawling out from beneath Tamlin. His body just flopped to the side as Orion stood. Primrose lifted her sword, impaling the chest of the soldier who had fired, watching his blood stain her sword as she pulled it back out. He tumbled as Prim turned away, leaving him in the melted snow. Orion knelt beside her father, his body unmoving. His gear had burnt away around his chest, a circular burn mark where he had been hit. His chest rose, just the smallest inch. 

"He's alive," Prim sobbed, falling into Orion's arms as he pulled her slowly away. He was dragging her away, his wings flapping to clear a path through the circle of fire.

Dropping her sword, she pushed against his shoulders, trying to get past, "We can't just leave him! He's alive, Orion, we need to help him."

Orion only tightened his arms around her, pulling her successfully through the circle and out further into the camp, "I know, but it's not safe. We need to go."

Through the flames, she could see her father's body lying there. She would not leave him. Prim kicked out, her foot connecting with Orion's knee. He buckled slightly, but still managed to hold her against him. "Get the fuck off me!" she cried, pushing and kicking against her mate.

His arms tightened on her forearms, "I'm trying to keep you safe!"

Autumn Court soldiers flooded the main camp in flames, the snow nothing but a memory and the forest burning by the second. It wasn't safe and would continue to be so until they won this war. Either way, at Orion's side or not, she wouldn't be safe. "I don't need you to protect me. What I need is to save my dad!" she insisted, hating the pain in her voice.

"Primrose," he pleaded, his hand dropping to grip her palm.

She only shook her head, pressing a firm kiss to his lips before pulling away completely. He let her go this time. "I'm sorry," she whispered, pressing another kiss to his lips before brushing past him and into the flames.

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