Chapter 14

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Rudra POV

Preesha did this for me? She went out of her way and got the award back for me? I'm melting in her embrace and I don't want to let go. I love her so much. And she actually loves me. I knew she loved me, but for some reason this makes me feel even more loved. How much love can one person have for another? I have no idea, maybe I can Google it later. I hear someone cough and I come back to reality. 

Ahana: Are you guys done yet?

Preesha and I quickly break our hug, feeling embarrassed. We look down and I know she's blushing. She's so adorable. Stay focused Rudra.

Balraj: The award ceremony is in three days. Order some good clothes for yourself, Preesha, and Saransh. 

Papa gets up. Why is he leaving?

Rudra: Where are you going Papa?

Balraj: I need to do some work. Now that everyone knows you're getting the award, we are going to get a lot of business.

He leaves and everyone congratulates me.

Ahana: Congrats Rudra!

I'm surprised. Why is Bhabs acting so cheery and happy? We had two huge fights yesterday and she's not even holding a grudge. I contemplate what is going on, but then I just go with the fact that Bhabs probably realized her mistake and will try to be better.

Rudra: Thanks Bhabs!

Preesha: Saransh, your classes are about to start. Go to your room and get ready, I'll be up soon.

Saransh: Okay Mumma.

Saransh comes running to me and hugs me.

Saransh: Congratulations Rudra!

Rudra: Thanks champ!

Saransh: Are you done eating? Can we go to play now before my classes?

Rudra: Yeah, I'm done. Let's go!

We walk upstairs together to play.

Ahana POV

Poor naive Rudra. He probably thinks I didn't say something because I learned my lesson. The only thing I learned is that I need to get Preesha out of the house as soon as possible. Soon enough I will get my revenge and that stupid Preesha and her brat kid Saransh will be gone.

Preesha POV

I put away Rudra and Saransh's plates since they left. I walk upstairs to Saransh's room to check on him and Rudra. I walk in and see Saransh already changed and he and Rudra playing with some action figures on the floor. Rudra looks over and locks eyes with me. He smiles and I smile back at him. I turn on Saransh's computer and log in for his classes. 

Preesha: Saransh! Come sit, your classes are about to start.

He rushes over and I kiss him on the head. I walk over to Rudra who is still sitting on the floor. We put away the action figures and he grabs my hand. He stands up and pulls me up with him. We walk out of the room hand in hand. We stop in the hallway and he turns to face me.

Rudra: Thank you. 

Preesha: For what?

Rudra: For getting my award back.

I smile at him and pull myself closer to him.

Preesha: It was nothing.

He puts my hands around his neck and puts his arms around my waist

Rudra: It wasn't nothing to me. I really, really appreciate it. No one else cared to do anything about it. Even I forgot about the whole scandal because we had so many more problems. But you doing this made me really happy. And it made Papa happy too. He actually was proud of me.

His eyes are watery and I melt. He's so sweet. This small gesture meant so much to him. And he got the appreciation from his dad that he wants. 

Preesha: I'm glad you're happy.

Rudra: I'm always happy with you.

I laugh.

Preesha: You're so cheesy.

He smiles.

Rudra: I love you so much.

Preesha: I love you more.

He kisses me on my forehead and I hug him. I rest my head on his chest. We stand there for a long time before I see Ahana standing near us. How long has she been here? I can tell Rudra noticed her too because he breaks our hug. He turns to face her with his arm over my shoulders.

Ahana: Are you guys done yet?

Rudra: Sorry Bhabs, did you need something?

She rolls her eyes.

Ahana: Someone's outside. The guard is waiting for you to decide whether or not the let them in.

Rudra: We weren't expecting anyone. Do you know who it is?

Ahana: I didn't check. The guard said he needed to ask you and wouldn't let me see them and decide.

Rudra: Ok, I'll go look. Where are the person and the guard?

Ahana: I think they are at the door.

Rudra: Ok thanks Bhabs.

He turns to face me. 

Rudra: Sorry wifey, I have to go.

I make a pouty face.

Rudra: I'll be back soon, it's probably just media or some seller. 

He kisses me on the forehead again and I can't contain my smile.

Ahana: Gross!

She leaves.

Rudra: Love you wifey!

He starts to walk away. 

Preesha: Love you too!

He turns and smiles at me, then he leaves. I stand there for a few minutes and I start to get confused. Is he still downstairs? Maybe I should go check. Or maybe not. No, I should. No, I shouldn't. He can deal with it. I start to get bad thoughts in my head. Is Rudra okay? Who is here? Breathe Preesha. Rudra is alright. But the bad thoughts won't get out of my head. I finally decide to go downstairs. I make it halfway down the stairs when I see him. But when I do, instead of feeling relieved, my heart breaks. 

Unknown: I love you Rudra, and I know you still love me too. We were always meant for each other.

My heart shatters. Rudra is hugging some girl. She just said she loves him and he loves her. That's not possible. He loves me right? I can't see if he's hugging her back but I see their bodies together. I start to cry. I walk down the rest of the stairs and I slowly approach them my vision blurry from my tears.

Unknown: I'm sorry I left. I should have been here. Leaving you was a big mistake. I love you so much. I can't live without you any longer.

I see that Rudra isn't hugging her back, but he isn't pushing her off either. I can't see his face, only his back. I can't see the girl's face either because her face is hidden by his chest. Does he love this girl? Did he never love me? No, that's not possible. He does love me. Doesn't he? I suddenly see Rudra push the girl off of him. 


I see the girl's face clearly now. No no no no no no. My stomach twists and turns. It can't be. Is that ..............?


Cliffhanger! Who do you think it is? The chapter is a bit of a filler, but the next chapter will be more eventful. Sorry for how long it took for this chapter to come out. I've been feeling kinda unmotivated but im more motivated to write the next chapter now. Thanks for voting and commenting on the last chapter. Please continue to do so. Love you all and stay safe!

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