Chapter 5

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Rudra POV

I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and excited for my music recording. I brush my teeth and get dressed. I walk into Saransh's room to see if he is still asleep, and to my surprise, I see a sleeping Preesha there instead. Saransh must already be eating breakfast. I want to wake her up, but I want her to rest. I go downstairs and hug Saransh and sit down for breakfast. (A/N the formatting here might be kinda weird but this was the easiest way I could do it)

Rudra: Good Morning everyone!

Saransh: Good Morning Rudra!

Ahana: What is for breakfast?

Sharda: Idli and Sambar.

Ahana: What? I don't want any of that? Who decided to make that? Me and Mish don't like that kind of lower-class food!

Rudra: Actually bhabs, I asked Ma to make it.

Ahana: Not you Rudra! You are better than this! Since when do you like this middle-class food?

Rudra: Please stop. I asked Ma to make this because Preesha really--

Ahana: So this is about Preesha! Of course! She has you wrapped around her finger. I thought you hated her! You-

Rudra: STOP! I do not hate Preesha. I hate it when you keep saying that I hate her and when you downgrade her! What did she ever do to you? If you don't like the food that Ma prepared for us then you and Mishka can go make your own food. Oh wait, you guys don't know how to cook. Have you ever helped Ma in the kitchen? Preesha helps her. Do you hate her because she is a better daughter in law than you?

Ahana: You will regret this when Preesha backstabs you, and don't think me and Mish will be here for you. (Ahana and Mish leave)

Rudra: Sorry that you had to hear that champ. Are you finished eating? Your class will start soon.

Saransh: I'm done! Let me go get ready. (Starts going to his room)

Rudra: Wait Saransh! Walk into your room quietly and take your stuff to my room.

Saransh: Why Rudra? I always do my class in my room. 

Rudra: I know but your mumma is still sleeping and we should let her rest.

Saransh: Okay Rudra! (Saransh leaves, only Ma and Rudra are at the table)

Sharda: Rudra was that necessary?

Rudra: Sorry Ma, I kind of lost it. I didn't mean to say any of that other than the part where I said to stop hating Preesha.

Sharda: It's okay beta, just apologize. And wait a little while for Ahana to cool down.

Rudra: Okay Ma, I'm going to go check on Saransh and Preesha, I'll bring her and we can eat together.

Sharda: Okay Rudra. (Rudra leaves)

Still Rudra POV

I walk to my room to check on Saransh and I see he is ready and already in class. I don't disturb him and walk to Saransh's room to check on Preesha. Before I walk in a look in from the outside. I see her praying. I walk in quietly and sit on Saransh's bed. After she finishes praying and when she sees me she jumps.

Rudra: Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you.

Preesha: No problem I just didn't know you came in. 

Rudra: Are you okay? You look kind of down. And you slept in super late. Did you sleep okay?

Preesha: Yeah I'm fine.

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