Chapter 8

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Preesha POV

Today was a very eventful morning. Lots of tears, both happy and sad. I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Rudra knows who I am, and he still loves me! Now we are going down for breakfast, hand in hand, and I couldn't be happier. We walk down and sit at the table. Ma comes out looking very worried.

Sharda: Rudra, Preesha! Where were you guys? Rudra you went upstairs thirty minutes ago! What happened? And why are both of your eyes so red? Is everything okay? 

Oh shoot, we forgot to wash our face to make it look like we weren't crying. Now we upset Ma. Great. Before I can respond, Rudra answers Ma's questions.

Rudra: Sorry Ma. Preesha and I were talking upstairs and time flew by. We're fine. Nothing is wrong.

Ma doesn't seem convinced.

Sharda: Then why are your eyes so red? Don't lie to me Rudra.

I decide to respond.

Preesha: Ma, we're fine. We talked about some sad topics, but now we're happy. Don't worry. Come, let's eat breakfast. I'm starving.

Rudra nods his head, indicating that he is hungry too. Ma still doesn't seem completely on board, but she moves on from it.

Sharda: I put the food away thinking you guys weren't going to come, let me go get it.

I get up to help, but she stops me.

Sharda: Preesha, sit. You and Rudra wait, I'll go get it. Don't argue with me.

Rudra and I sit back down, still holding hands. We don't talk, but I feel his grip tighten on my hand. I turn and look at his face, seeing his eyes full of anger. Is he thinking about Yuvraj?

Preesha: Rudra, are you okay?

He turns to face me.

Rudra: Yeah, I'm fine.

I can tell he is lying by the fact that his eyes can still show that he is angry. He isn't very good at hiding his emotions. 

Preesha: Tell me Rudra, is this about Yuvraj?

As soon as I say Yuvraj's name, his grip tightens. He realizes what he's doing and then loosens his grip.

Rudra: Sorry if I hurt you.

No matter what is happening with Rudra, he is always worried about me. How did I get this lucky?

Preesha: I'm fine, but you're avoiding my question. Please tell me.

I look at him and his glare softens.

Rudra: Yes you're right. I just want to get revenge on Yuvraj. He has done so many horrible things but he never gets caught. He did so much wrong to you and not to mention he killed my brother! 

I feel terrible. He's angry because of me. I calmly answer him.

Preesha: I want to do something too. He deserves to go to jail! Or die. 

Rudra's face suddenly changes when I say that Yuvraj should die. He looks worried. He holds my face in his hand again.

Rudra: Don't say that. Just because I'm mad at him don't say that he should die. That's not your personality. I don't want you to change. 

He smiles at me now.

Rudra: We will figure it out together, don't worry. 

I smile. Rudra always just wants me to be me. I feel good about my choice to tell him the truth. He is so sweet to me. Yuvraj was like this, but he took advantage of my emotions. Rudra cares about my emotions. Ma brings out the food and I open the lids and seeing the contents surprise me.

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