Chapter 3

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Rudra POV

I hung up on Bunty and ran to go talk to Papa. 

Rudra: Papa!

Papa: What do you want? And stop yelling!

Rudra: Sorry Papa. I just had an idea for some new songs.

Papa: Oh great more rock songs! Those will be a hit. I will announce them tomorrow.

Rudra: No, no, no, no. Not rock songs. I wrote some love songs. I want to release them.

Papa: Are you serious? Are you trying to ruin me? Us? Did you magically get dumber?

Rudra: No Papa, just listen. Think about it. A new genre of songs draws a new and bigger audience. And don't tell anyone about the release. A surprise release would be even more popular because it would come out of nowhere. And the songs are about Preesha-

Papa: So this is the point of all of this? For that Preesha?

Rudra: Yes of course! But it will make you lots of money because you didn't let me finish. Since it is about Preesha, if I tell the interviewers this or post that it is about Preesha, everyone would go nuts!

Papa: You're right?! First time I am ever feeling proud of your business brains! I will book some places for us to record tomorrow. Go sleep because we need to start early in the morning! Now!

Rudra: Thanks Papa! I am going!

Papa said yes! I'm super excited but I start to second guess myself. What if people don't like it? No one has heard these songs. What if they are terrible? What if some of my fans leave me? More importantly, what if Preesha doesn't like it? No, Rudra stop. Take it easy. Hopefully, Preesha will like it. I am really tired so I lie down on my bed, my eyes drifting close as I fall asleep.


Pretty bland chapter but whatever. Again love you guys who vote and comment on the chapters. You guys really make my day! I have a question for you guys and leave your answers in the comments. What songs should be in Rudraksh's love album? Please vote and comment your thoughts and criticism. Appreciate every single one of you!

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