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Draco Malfoy 

I leaned back in my chair, watching her carefully as she filtered through the stack of books in front of her. Every so often, her long, chocolate hair fell in front of her face, blocking her view tot he words on the parchment. I watched as she quickly tucked it behind her ears and continued with her routine. 

Her eyes were like lightning, as she rapidly scanned the page. Also as if she was on a mission to find the information that she was looking for. I watched as she dipped her quill in the dark ink bath, scribbling messy words onto a piece of parchment paper. It amazed me how she was even to read those incoherent string of words. Personally, I thought it just looked like a giant ink blot. Armena let out a huff of frustration. Her hands made quick destruction of the parchment, as she tossed it into her expanding stack of wrinkled paper.

Why are you so intriguing?

I found myself wondering this very thought every time that my grey eyes landed on her. She let out another annoyed sound before she grabbed another book, flipping it open to some random page. The dust particles floated around her head. Almost dancing around her like she was wearing an invisible crown. 

For someone who was born to the thing  that I despised most in this world and a deranged witch, Armena Riddle-Lestrange was normal. Maybe not normal, considering her past, but she was definitely intriguing. She was like a good book that you never wanted to put down. I could study her for hours if I wanted. 

I tilted my head to the side ever so slightly, watching as she bit her lip again. She did it so often that I was sure it was out of nerves or a habit of concentration. She did it so often that I should be used to the notion by now, but yet, every single time I still wanted to take that lip in-between my thumb and finger. I wanted to pull on it, feel it under the pad of my thumb. I absentmindedly dragged my tongue across my inner cheek, folding my arms in the process. 

She looked like— fuck. 

"You know..." she starts, not bothering to look up at me. "I can feel you staring."

I felt the tips of my ears grow warm. I shook off the feeling, leaning forward in my chair. The sound of wood hitting wood rang through the air as the front legs of the chair slammed into the ground of the library. I quickly snatched the book that she was reaching in front of her and pulled it close to me.

"Spells From A to Z" I scoffed, knowing very well that this book was complete and utter unicorn shit. 

"Hey!" she reached forward, snatching the very book back. Her emerald green eyes glowed with a sense of utter frustration. "I was getting somewhere, thank you very much!"

"Armena..." I pushed my hair back, letting out an exasperated sigh, "... you aren't going to get anywhere reading these." 

I waved my hand over the stacks, motioning to the endless pile that she had accumulated over the past two hours. It was the truth. All of these books before her were complete rubbish. Anyone who was well disciplined in the Dark Arts would know that Hogwarts never would dare to possess such books that we needed. They might have some that danced around the subject, but nothing that would hold substantial knowledge to what we need. 

"What do you suggest we do then?" She narrowed her eyes, folding her arms over her chest.

"Well, I know there is a second here that is well versed in dark magic. Have you ever heard of the restricted section?" I motion to the dark part of the library.

"I know what the restriction second is, Draco. I wasn't born yesterday. I did read all about this school before I came here. I am—" she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. I watched as the wheels turned in her head as if she was trying to decide on what to say. "I just have been avoiding that  particular section."

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