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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

I slowly pulled up to the castle in the horseless drawn carriage. I couldn't help myself, as we arrived up the path I stuck my head out of the window. I couldn't help but marvel at the beauty that was Hogwarts. I had read about it many times before, seen it in countless paintings and drawings but they never did it any justice. The Medieval castle was ginormous, surrounded by a dark lake and perched on various rocks. I couldn't help but let myself think about my mother and my father. They were both students here at one point or another. My uncle's were as well, I felt warmth inside as I thought about my uncles, Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange. They were the closest thing that I had to a family, even though they were still absent and half of my life rotting in Azkaban. 

The carriage jerked to a stop and the door flew open. I stepped out quickly, looking around in wonder at the courtyard. 

"The name's Filch and yer late!" the straw haired man yanked my trunk from the back and started making his way inside the gates of the castle.

"Well this is a great start..." my subconscious huffed as I watched the man struggle with my trunk. 

We stopped in front two large wooden doors and I craned my neck to look at the top of them. Ghosts were floating around above me. Some were walking arm and arm, some were preparing to dual, and others were just milling about. The wall above the entrance houses several stone soldiers with various weapons. They stood at attention as if waiting for a command to fight. 

I let out a deep breath as I turned back around to face the door. I could hear loud voices and chatter on the other side of the door. 

"SILENCEEEEEE!" I heard the voice boom with great might. "We do not choose our families and we will not pass judgement on those where it is not warranted."

I could hear the panic on the other side of the door, but it slowly died down. It didn't take me long to realize that he was talking about me. 




I dug my nails into my palms again creating little half moons. I dug so hard to the point where pricks of pain started to appear, but I didn't care. I hated attention and I already knew where this was going. 

".... Even in the darkest of times... if one only remembers to turn on the light" I could hear the voice on the other side explain.

"Miss Riddle-Lestrange it's time..." Filch grinned and yanked open the doors in front of me.

"Oh no, please" I found myself begging, but the straw haired man didn't care. 

"Please Hogwarts give a warm welcome to Miss Armena Riddle-Lestrange" Headmaster Dumbledore boomed and started clapping.


That's all I felt was eyes on me, as I moved myself down the aisle of the great hall. There was chatter, quite murmurings that were stirring in the crowd. I glanced up towards the ceiling noting the starry night sky and the thousands of candles. Everyone was dressed in all black, sitting at long tables under various colored tapestries: Red, Blue, Yellow and Green. 

"Can I please just die from embarrassment" I muttered under my breath as I reached the end of the aisle. 

Fucking eyes.

"Armena" Headmaster Dumbledore took my hand in his.

His eyes were kind, showing me sympathy for the grand entrance. I felt the stares from behind me as the sea of black cloaks burned holes in my back.He motioned for me to take a seat on a short wooden stool. 

"Welcome to Hogwarts" he grinned. 

"Thank you, Headmaster" I muttered. 

"Here at Hogwarts we have the tradition of sorting each of our students into their prospective houses" he explained and motioned for me to turn around.

I felt my body shrivel up at the thought of turning around to see the eyes of all the students. Knowing very well that there would be judgement, fear and hate instead of the kindness that I was seeing right now. I felt the blood inside of me boil and my skin started to feel like fire.

"The sorting hat, please, Professor McGonagall" Headmaster Dumbledore spoke.

The older witch picked up a brown tattered witches hat. I watched in amazement as the hat came to life, it's leather bound lips smirking and muttering something inaudible. The witch hovered the hat over my head but before it could touch the dark hairs on my head it screamed. 

"SLYTHERINNN!" it paused "hmmm as if you had a choice" 

It slowly faded back to a regular old witches hat. I felt a smile creep on my face as I looked out at the sea of black through my eyelashes. The far table on the right looked over at me. Some started to clap while others just stared. I couldn't help but find my eyes landing on a boy with pale blonde hair. His lips were pressed into a firm line as her glared at me. When my eyes met his, he seemed to soften for a second before his jaw clenched even tighter with hatred. 

"Well this is going to be fun" my subconscious smirked.

"Good night students and house Prefects, please lead your students to their respective houses" Headmaster Dumbledore boomed.

The sea of students raced out of the great hall. I hesitated lingering about on the raised platform, unsure of what to do next. I bit my lip and  started to make my way down the stone stairs.

"Armena, would you mind staying back for a second?" the Headmaster asked. 

I slowly turned back around, my eyes meeting a tall, dark haired man who I recognized instantly. I have never met him before but after years of hiding in the shadows of the Lestrange family home, I knew who everyone was. I found the best hiding spots and secret passages for eavesdropping in on conversations. He's a Death Eater who worked alongside my mother and father. 

"Armena, this is Professor Snape— who I am sure you are acquainted with" Headmaster Dumbledore motioned to Snape.

"Um— yes, hello" I muttered, as I stared into this man's dark eyes.

"He will see to it that you are... settling into your new house. He is the Head of Slytherin house and he will also be your Defense Against The Dark Arts professor."

"Yes," the dark haired Professor hummed. "I will make sure that Hogwarts becomes everything you need it to be. Your house Prefect will be able to show you inside the common room. Let me know if you need any assistance."

I felt myself narrowing my eyes at the Professor. I knew what this was even if they didn't tell me. Professor Snape was to become my watchdog. Most likely to report back to Headmaster Dumbledore if I found myself in any trouble. I was to be kept under close watch while I was here. 

Even in the safety of the castle, I still wasn't free. 

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