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Trigger Warning: verbal abuse/sexual assault triggers 

Armena Riddle-Lestrange 


That's all I felt in those moments after Lucius Malfoy inflicted the cruciatus curse on me.

Pure and utter darkness.

Bitter darkness.

Cold darkness. 

Sick and twisted darkness. 

My body felt like ice as I let the scalding hot water pelt my skin. I stared at the shower wall, watching as condensation rolled down on the pink tile.

Maybe I was meant to be as wicked as they came, I was a Lestrange after all. My line mixes with the French and the British in tangled and disturbed webs. Women murdered for not producing an heir, dying on their birth bed when they finally succeeded, sons out for revenge for their vengeful fathers, long lines of dark wizards and deranged witches. Azkaban should be renamed after our family, for there were many of us in there at this moment and throughout time for that matter.

"She's a Lestrange! They are known to be insane"

"Slytherin— as if you had a choice."

"Everyone has darkness in them Armena, you just have to choose if you want to follow the light."

"Ah but you are his daughter, the heir to slytherin, parseltongue and skillful"

"We are taking a bet you see-how long it takes for you to get locked up in Azkaban."

"Your blood..."

"My godfather once told me, the world isn't divided into good people and death eaters. We all have a little bit of light and dark, it just matters what part we choose to act on."

"You weak, pathetic little girl..."

"You're his rightful heir."

I crumpled down onto the ground of the tub, curling my knees into my chest. I felt the tears pour down my face, mixing with the water. I don't know why I let Lucius get inside of my head. I don't know why I let him tear me apart but I did. I felt broken and weak. I didn't feel like the strong girl that waltzed into Professor Snape's office this morning, no I felt like the weak girl that hid in the shadows of her childhood home.

"You will never be good enough to hold our family name" my mother spit in my face.

I clutched my brown teddy bear closer to my chest, biting my lip nervously as it began to tremble. I could feel my eyes begin to water as the liquid poured out of them.

"Look at you now! Are you crying?" She hissed, leaning down to my level.

I looked down to my shoes, trying to hide my face in my ringlets. Her hand grabbed my chin, her talons digging into my soft flesh. I could feel them prick into my skin as the tears poured down my innocent face.

"You weak, pathetic little girl... he will never give you the time of day."

She pushed her hand away off my face, turning around. Her long black dress fanning out as her curls bounced wildly.

"Take her away Rabastan! I don't want to see her" she hissed.

I felt strong hands grip around mine, pulling me away from my mum. I clutched onto my teddy bear tighter, as I looked up at her with blurry eyes.

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