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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

I hovered my hand over the wooden door to Naomi's room. I was sure she knew that I was standing out here. I had been for nearly twenty minutes now. I took in a deep breath and brought my knuckles to the rough wooden door. I lightly tapped, waiting for her to respond. 

"Who is it?" her voice rang out.

"It's me!" I shouted through the wood.

"Oh come in, come in!"

I opened the door, revealing Naomi who was lying on her stomach on her bed. I quickly shut the door behind me, walking over to her bed. I laid back against her headboard, letting out a long sigh. She rolled over on her back, her chocolate eyes staring deep into my own.

"Okay, what is it?" She pushed, "get it out." 

"Nothing, I'm just—" I paused, "oh, I don't even know."

I threw my hands up to the ceiling in frustration. I felt her eyes on me, studying me and trying to figure out what was going through my mind. 

I had a lot on my mind and I knew I should tell her about Draco, but our situation was so wrong. So bloody wrong that I didn't even know how to go about it. The fact of the matter was that Pansy was still with Draco and I was her roommate and by default her friend. Well Pansy and I had an odd relationship but I was gracious that her and Naomi had welcomed me into their close knit circle of friends. I didn't want to fuck it up by rubbing Pansy the wrong way.

"Well, if you are not going to share whatever is consuming your mind..." she leaned into her hand.

"It's very complicated and I don't even know what's going on. So to be completely honest even if I tried, I don't think you would understand" I sighed. "I don't think I understand to be completely honest." 

She let out a low hum as she knitted her brows together. 

"How are you and Oliver?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Do not get me started!" she huffed.

She moved her small frame so that she was lying next to me, with her back on the headboard. She folded her arms against her chest, letting out a low and breathy sigh. The sigh you would give when you were truly frustrated with something. It was the exact same feeling that I was experiencing right now. I guess I wasn't the only one with Slytherin boy problems. 

I guess that's the problem with snakes. 

"He's so hot and cold! I can't tell if he wants me or if we are just "friends," whatever that fucking means" she threw her hands up, in air quotes at the mention of friends.

"He's probably just waiting on you to make a move" I shrugged, "boys are like that, you know?"

"Well he doesn't need my fucking permission to touch me!" she screams.

"You never know" I smirked. 

Draco basically needed mine. 

"I would give anything to have him bend me over a desk and have his way with me, but no it has to be all mixed signals and shit" she crossed her small arms over her chest.

I let out a laugh and shake my head. I couldn't help but smile at the memories from earlier when Draco had me pressed up against the bookcase in the Restricted Section.His touch was still raw on my skin, like he was still holding onto me. I felt a burn rise in my core at the thought of him inside of me.


"What about you?" Naomi's voice shakes me out of my thoughts.

"What about me?" I shrug.

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