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Draco Malfoy 

I perched myself up on the lowest branch on the tree in the courtyard, watching carefully as the students rushed nervously to their next classes. This used to be Blaise and I's favorite pastime. Well, that before The Dark Lord returned and I was forced to become a Death Eater. But, it was about time we got back to some normalcy around here.

"Oy— Draco" Blaise bumped my leg.

I followed the direction of his head to the group of new Ravenclaw girls frantically running about the court yard. I needed to get my mind off of Armena and figured this was the right direction to look.

"That one right there is looking at you" he smirks, winking at me.

There's a short girl with blonde hair and curves for days. I licked my lips, as I think about what it would be like to be between her thighs. I slowly move my gaze up her body until my eyes make contact with hers. I let a slight smile creep up on my face and nod my head in her direction. Crimson floods her cheeks as she giggles and looks away from my gaze.  

"She wouldn't be able to handle me" I snicker, running my tongue along the inside of my cheek.  

Blaise leans against the tree, crossing his arms. 

"You missed a fucking boring class this morning" Blaise sighs, "Armena showed up, you know?" 

I felt my fingers twitch at the mention of her name. I shook my head, hoping that he didn't notice. 

"And Zabini?" I snapped. 

"And I just thought you would want to know" he smirks, "you know since you told us to lie about the fact that Pansy was taking care of you this morning." 

I leaned my arm against the thick branch of the tree, watching as the students passed by. I let out a deep breath through my nose. 

I asked Blaise to lie for me and it was the most idiotic thing I could possibly do. I wanted Armena to hear that Pansy, my supposed girlfriend, was taking care of me. When in actuality, I was wallowing in bed thinking of her. 

"Do you want to talk about last night?" Blaise asks, raising a brow at me. 

I looked down at Blaise, watching him shake his head. We have been friends for too long and he knows I'm lying through my teeth. He can see right through me, he always has been able to do that. I couldn't get much past him, no matter how hard I tried. 

""What is there to talk about? I got fucking pissed, aright" I spit. "Listen, that girl is fucking mental. If Theo wants her bloody mess of a life, then he can have it." 

'That's a lie...' my thought smirked at me. 

I know it's a lie. Everything I do is a bloody lie when it comes to her. 

"Alright, well when are you going to end things with Parkinson?" he asked.

I let out a series of groans, rolling my neck in annoyance.  

"I have kinda been avoiding that" I mutter, running my hand over the back of my neck. 

I have been with Pansy Parkinson since fourth year. We were always on again and off again. Every year it gets harder to end things with her and to be bloody honest, it has sort of become a routine with us. She was there for me when I went through my Death Eater transition and she's stayed right by my side. The poor girl doesn't even realize that I have no interest in her. 

"You should just end things with her instead of dragging her along..." he pauses before continuing, "Oliver and I were talking and it's pretty clear that you like Armena—"

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