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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

When I woke up the next morning, Pansy was absent from our room. I stretched my arms over my head and wiggled my toes, trying to wake my body up. I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed the small gold table clock.

7:30 am

"Fuck" I mumbled and flung myself out of bed. "Great— I am going to be late and on my first day at a school, where I might be the most hated person."

I eyed the uniform hanging up on my dressing closet, bitting my lip. It wasn't the most flattering uniform but it would do. The skirt was a navy and white checkered pattern with a white Oxford blouse and a matching navy vest. There was a green and white striped tie to match. I slipped on the ensemble and stared at myself in the large mirror in the corner. I tucked my dark strands behind my ears and let out a deep breath.

Today was a new day— a fresh start.

After getting ready, I made my way out into the darkly lit Slytherin commons. The fire was still raging angrily in the impressive stone fireplace.

I checked the clock on the wall for the time.

7:50 am

"Fuck!" I shouted "I'm so late..."

Instantly, a platinum blonde head whipped around from a large high backed leather chair by the grand hearth.

"Oh you're not late— classes don't start for another hour" the blonde giggled.

I watched her as she got up from her seat and walked towards me. She was a petite witch, no more than five foot two. Her bleach blonde hair was to her shoulders and she wore a black ribbon in her hair. Her eyes were dark and almond, she looked kind.

"I thought classes started at eight?" I raised my eyebrows at her, dropping my books on the couch.

"No silly, they start at nine" she said, taking the seat across from me.

I followed her movements and sat down on the leather sofa. I smoothed out my skirt, trying to get the wrinkles out.

"I'm Naomi Constance" she reached out her hand.

I took her hand and gave her a slight smile. I could feel her kind energy and magic moving through her palm.

"Armena Ri—" I started but she was quick to cut me off.

"Oh yes! The new girl who Dumbledore made a show case out of yesterday, in the great hall" Naomi leaned back and flipped through a book.

"Yeah the one and only" I bit my lip, "I missed my train."

Naomi looked at me in confusion and crossed her arms. I watched her carefully read me before continuing.

"You came from the muggle world? Don't you live in the wizarding world?"

"I—" I opened my mouth to speak.

"Not to make assumptions of anything, but I just guessed that you lived at Lestrange Manor."

"No I do—did" I look up to meet her eyes, "I guess I am just trying to be independent or some shit like that. I grew up my whole life being hidden in the shadows, only knowing the voices and whispers, that I would hear through the walls.... I wanted experience."

I found myself telling her a lot more than I needed to but it was just her energy. She was so open and normal. I watched as a smile crept up on her cherry red lips.

"You know, if you tell people that you hear voices they are going to actually think that you live up to your name and are insane" she laughed.

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