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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

Wednesday: Divinations Classroom

I let out a silent yawn, covering my mouth with the back of my hand as I flipped through the yellow pages of the journal. This class was painful to sit through and Professor Trelawney was honestly off her bloody rocker. I shifted my body in my wooden chair, positioning myself so I would be angled away from Naomi and Pansy's prying eyes. I leaned against my elbow, reading the words on the page of the journal. I was so intrigued with the delicate scrawl that was Draven Nott's hand. The journals were interesting, filling with random spells and mindless thoughts about his time here at Hogwarts back in the nineteen forties. There were even some spells written in here that Draven himself created, perfected to a T. I was curious to see how they worked or what they did. The Nott's didn't seem like a Dark Art's family, not like the Malfoy's or even my own. They seemed to be pretty separated from that aspect of magic. 

I was surprised that Theo never thought to read these before, if these were in my family I would have them locked away. They seemed like prized possessions. 


I jerked my head over to Naomi, who kicked me under the small table in the shin.She nodded her head over to the direction of Professor Trelawney, who was looking right at me. She blinked rapidly at me through her wide brimmed and circular glasses. 

"Miss Lestrange?" she repeated herself.

"Um yes?" I bit my lip.

Shit what did she say? Better yet, what are we even learning? I looked around the room at the many faces of the students, who were staring back at me. I felt like I had a spotlight on me, it's bright white light burning my skin. 

"We are discussing the art of tasseomancy. I asked if you could read Miss Parkinson's tea leaves?" Professor Trelawney blinked at me through her large magnifying glasses.

I gave the Professor a half smile, rolling my eyes and muttering under my breath

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I gave the Professor a half smile, rolling my eyes and muttering under my breath. I reached across the table and grabbed Pansy's cup. I stared at the brown goo at the bottom of the porcelain tea cup. This was so pointless, what was this going to tell me? I always found this subject to be so nebulous. There was no way to predict the future. I don't care if someone handed me a prophecy saying I was going to end up being the Minister of Magic, I wouldn't believe it. Now if they said I was going to end up in Azkaban, well then I might consider it. 

"Um, I think I see a wavy line at the bottom of the cup" I looked up at Pansy, "which could suggest a connection to the ocean. Possibly, you may not find love in the immediate future but your next serious soulmate might be someone overseas or it could mean that your soulmate is not who you think. It also could mean that your soulmate is near you but you have a separation?" I set the cup down.

I looked up the wide eyed professor, who is peering over my shoulder. I turned to Pansy, mouthing I am so sorry. She shook her head and bites her lip. Professor Trelawney grabs the cup filled with tea leaves and peers into the cup. 

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