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Armena Riddle-Lestrange

"This way! Keep up!" the curly haired Slytherin Prefect shouted over his shoulder.

I found myself tripping over my feet as we hurried down the dimly lit dungeon corridor. Eventually, we stopped in front of a snake-like stone door that was concealed in a wall. The Prefect turned around to face me giving me a clear view of his handsome features.

"Password is pure-blood..." he said with a smirk, "don't forget it."

The snake stone door began to move. The serpents slithered and crawled around to the far edges. He stepped through the entrance and I followed him into the Slytherin common room. The walls were rough grey stone, windows revealed some of the dark lake which casted an hazy, green glow over the large room. Emerald glass lamps with dark brown leather tufted couches covered to room. Ahead of us an, immaculate and intricately carved stone fireplace stood. In its hearth green flames danced around wildly. I glanced around the walls, noticing that there were about fifty portraits of several past Slytherins. Most of them had dozed off while some where busy milling about. One next to me tipped his large black top hat in my direction.

"Here you will find the girls dormitories" he sighed, obviously exhausted from having to repeat this over and over again.


"Curfew is eleven o'clock—" he smiled, his lips pulling up into a cheeky grin, "but as you will soon learn— we don't follow the rules here."

"I was never one to follow the rules" I mused, flashing him my white teeth.

He studied me for a moment, most likely taking in my appearance from a day of long and hectic travel. His lips pulled up even further, his dimples now quite visible on his sun kissed cheeks. He casually brushed his hand through his hair, one of his curls falling over his forehead.

"The name's Theodore— Theodore Nott but everyone calls me Theo" the dark haired boy looked at me.

He was tall, his frame towered over me. He was dressed in the uniform that everyone was wearing but I noticed that his was a little different. He had a crest shaped pin on his right side that said the words "prefect" over a lacquer green paint. His jaw line was prominent and his eyes were a ocean color blue. His face seemed to show that I could trust him.

"Theo, got it" I nodded my head.

"You're Armena, yeah?"

"Guilty" I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

He paused, as if to add on to my answer, but held back. I looked around the common room once more, nervously chewing on my cheek. He held onto my words for what felt like ages.

"Well your dormitory is five doors on the left" he waved his wand and a slip of parchment appeared. "You will be rooming with.... Miss Pansy Parkinson."

"Five doors on the left, Pansy Parkinson—" I repeated, "got it."

"You will find fresh uniforms, your Slytherin robe, a tie, skirt, and everything you need in your drawers. If you need anymore uniforms, you can always go down to Hogsmeade on the weekends. There are local pubs, shops, and other sort of stores that might spark your interests."

"Okay" I nodded my head, as I blinked at all the new information.

I watched as he turned to walk away from me, heading to what I assumed was the boy's dormitories. He paused and turned back around right at the stone entry way.

"And if you need any help you can always ask me" he left with a wink.



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