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The Forbidden Forest

Armena Riddle-Lestrange

Draco didn't come to class that day and honestly, I really did not blame him. I found myself repeating those words over and over in my head, the letter was branded into my vision. His mother, Narcissa Malfoy, treated me like I was some sort of prize you won at a carnival, not a human being.

"Now today class we are going to learn about Thestrals," Hagrid spoke loudly, silencing the class.

I knew I wasn't just a human being, I was created by two of the most notorious dark wizards. My mom was a psychopath and half of the Lestrange family has, and still is, locked up in Azkaban. I looked down at my hands, staring at the blue vessels under my skin. I knew that I had dark blood coursing through the very veins in my hands.

"Now, can someone explain to me what Thestrals are?" Hagaid looked around the class.

"Thestrals are known as omens of misfortune because they can only be seen by those who have witnessed death" Hermione spoke beside me on the stone wall.

"Right you are Hermione!" Hagrid acknowledged the brightest witch of her age answer. "Thestrals have jus' got a bad reputation because of the whole death thing. People think that they were bad omens but they are jus' miss understood creatures."

I watch as the class shifts uncomfortably over the mention of death.

"Now this might be a lot for some but who here can see them, don't be shy."

I watched as Hermione, Ron, Harry, the Longbottom boy and a small blonde girl raised their hands slowly. I looked around as I noticed that Theo raises his hand also. My mind instantly raced to Draco. I bit my lip, wondering if Draco would raise his hand too if he was here.

"And er, what do you see" Hagrid continues, "Mr Nott?"

"I find them to be distasteful looking" Theo spits.

I followed Theo's gaze to the center of the clearing where nothing stood. It was completely empty. I really did wonder what he saw there.

"Armena?" Hermione bumped my leg.

I turned my head to look at the girl beside me.

"I wanted to just... " she sighs, letting a deep breath go. "Apologize."

"I'm sorry?" I bite my cheek, trying to hold back laughter, "but what are you apologizing for?

"I was quick to judge you and Harry told me what you did for him during the Quidditch game, so thank you" she says. "I do mean it, thank you."

Potter turned to me and gave me a soft smile. I nodded my head once in a swift motion, turning my attention back to Hermione.

"Well, thank you" I sighed.

We sat there in awkward silence while Hagrid continued teaching.

"If you don't mind me asking, what do they look like?" I whispered to her.

"They are dark creatures. I would say that it's similar to a horse. They are quite sinister though to look at because they are very bony and their eyes..." she drifts off staring at the nothingness in front of her.

"What about their eyes?" I press.

"They are white, glazed over like the eyes of someone who has died."


I look forward to the clearing, expecting to see this bird of death but instead I saw nothing.

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