Chapter 17

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The next weekend, we went to the cider mill.

"Can we get a pumpkin?" I asked.

"Sure kitten, let's go pick one out," he said.

We went into the pumpkin patch to look for pumpkins. I found a really small one and he found a fairly large one.

"Let's take these two," he said.

After that, we went to the brewery and distillery.

We got samples of the different alcohol they had there.

We also bought a candle that they made there.

Once the sunset, it was time for the haunted hayride.

I held him tightly because I was scared.


The next morning, we got up early and took a little road trip. Our first stop was these beautiful gardens.

I took in all the beauty of nature.

Afterwards, we stopped at the aquarium that was right by the gardens.  I took time to look at all the cool fish.

Around noon, we drove back to his place to make lunch together. But before that, we stopped at the grocery store to buy some ingredients.

We went up and down every aisle, taking samples from the ladies giving them out.

Then we went back and made pasta together in the kitchen and then ate it at the table.

"So I have a few surprises for the rest of the night," he said.

"What are they?" I asked.

"You'll have to see," he said.

After lunch, we left again.

That is when he took me to a planetarium.

It was beautiful seeing all the constellations and planets.

Afterwards, it got late and we went out to a club. He ordered drinks for us and we sat at a table in the corner.

"I've been wanting to ask you something," I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"There's a comic con coming up next weekend, do you think we can go?"

"Of course, kitten."

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