Chapter 26

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The morning of the festival, I threw up, yet again.

After I felt better, well not entirely better because I still had constant cramps, but at least the urge to throw up subsided.

I noticed my acne getting worse and worse, I tried my best to cover it up with makeup.

I was craving something sweet so I made myself pancakes for breakfast.

Afterwards, I was making a beeline towards the door when I heard my mom's voice from across the kitchen.

"Where are you off to this early?" she asked.

"It's not that early, it's 11am," I said.

"The question still stands," she said.

"I'm just going to Ana's to hang out for the day," I said.

"Okay sweetie, have fun," she said.

"I will," I said and I left.

I walked to Archer's house.

"Long time no see," he said, "ready to go?"

I nodded.

It was close to his house so we walked there.

We walked around, drank some hot cocoa, and looked at all the shopping booths. Then, we got some burgers and fries for lunch. Afterwards, we went ice skating.

It started getting dark.

"We need to get downtown now," he said.

"What for?" I asked.

"The light ceremony," he said.

I forgot about that. Every year after thanksgiving, our town does a festival in the park and then they light up all the Christmas lights downtown.

We took the path through the forest which led downtown.

I watched in awe as the Christmas lights lit up.

Archer held my hand and I leaned my head against his arm.


"I missed another period," I said after some more time passed by.

"I think we've already established that you're pregnant," said Ana.

"Yeah, that test was definitely positive," said Colette.

"I know, but I think I need to finally see a doctor," I said.

"We can go to Planned Parenthood after school," said Ana.

"Okay, let's do it," I said.


After school, I went to Planned Parenthood with my two best friends.

Once we got there, I checked in and then we all sat down in the waiting area until I was called back.

Once the nurse called me back, she asked me a few questions about my medical history.

"What symptoms are you having?" she asked.

"Morning sickness, lots of pain, and I've been really tired," I said.

She handed me a cup, "I will need a urine sample to confirm the pregnancy and then we'll go from there."

I grabbed the cup, went into the bathroom, and then handed it back to her.

She did the test in front of me and we waited for it to come back positive.

"Okay, you're definitely pregnant, sweetie," she said, "let's do some blood work now."

I held out my arm and let her draw my blood.

Afterwards, she did my ultrasound for me. I saw my baby for the first time. It was so tiny. I couldn't believe this was really happening.

"I'm going to get the doctor, sit tight for me," she said.

I waited a few minutes until she came back in with the doctor.

"Alright Lucille, you are about 8 weeks pregnant and your due date is July 4th."

It felt so close but so far away.

She handed me a container of pills and a photo of my ultrasound.

"Take one prenatal vitamin a day and you can come back in one month to check back on the baby," said the doctor.

"Thank you," I said and I went back to my friends in the waiting room.

I showed them the sonogram of my baby.

"My due date is in July," I said, "I guess this is really happening."

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