Chapter 6

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We walked through the dense forest while he carried the large duffel bag that he brought with himself.

After what seemed like forever, we finally saw the light. It was a small, private beach on this large pond.

"Wow, it's beautiful," I said.

He set up some towels on the ground along with a mini grill.

He took out marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers.

"I thought we could just relax on the beach and eat some s'mores," he said.

"I like that idea," I said.

We went swimming together and then ate some s'mores.

I was hoping he would suggest that we go skinny dipping, but he never did. I shouldn't have worn my bathing suit, I thought.

When the sunset, we got back into his car.

"I can drive you home," he said.

"Oh, sure," I said.

I gave him directions but had him drop me off about a street away. Once he drove off, I walked back home. I can't have him know where I live or he'll be able to find out the truth, the fact that I'm lying about who I am.


He texted me a new address and told me to meet him there. I put it into Google Maps and turns out, it's very close walking distance from me so I decided to just walk.

I ended up at a secluded but very large mansion.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"Yeah, it's nice," I said.

"I just bought it," he said and he handed me some keys.

"Those are yours, you can pop in at anytime," he said.

I put the keys in my pocket and let him show me around the house.

"I was thinking we could go to that antique store down the street and see if they have some nice decorations," he said.

"Yeah, let's go," I said.

We walked down to the store and I helped him pick out a few things. When we got back, we fixed them up and then used them to decorate the new house. Including, a record player.

"Why don't you pack your bags and stay the whole weekend next time, starting Friday," he suggested.

"I'd love to," I said. I knew there's no way this was going to be a trip, he just bought a mansion.


After my mom left for another business trip, I walked over to his new mansion.

We sat in his yard, watching the fireworks since it was 4th of July.

After that, we went to bed.

"Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight, princess."

He kissed my forehead and then turned away from me to sleep.

He woke me up early the next morning.

"We have to go now," he said.

I quickly got ready and got into his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

He didn't say anything. We ended up at the airport though.

"Another trip?" I asked.

He didn't say anything again. We just quickly maneuvered through the airport and got on the plane.

"Where are we going this time?" I asked.

"Paris," he said.

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