Chapter 2

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I woke up to a text back from him.

Archer: hey :) what are you up to today?

"Cheryl": I'm just relaxing at home, what about you?

Archer: so am I.. do you work?

"Cheryl": no, I'm a student

Archer: even better ;) where?

"Cheryl": Winchester

Archer: university?

"Cheryl": community college, but plan on transferring to the university

It wasn't entirely a lie, I do plan on going to Winchester university after I graduated.

Archer: ah, I remember my college days...

"Cheryl": how old are you?

Archer: 40, and you?

Wow, he was way too old for me... but I kind of liked it.

"Cheryl": 18... I hope our age difference doesn't bother you.

I didn't expect him to text back after that.

Archer: not at all :) what do you study?

"Cheryl": clinical science

That was actually true, it's what I planned on studying.

Archer: well I'm an attorney but I think you knew that... so I hope this isn't forward, but would you like to meet up next Saturday?

What could go wrong?

"Cheryl": sure :)

Archer: how about you come to my apartment? I just moved to downtown Winchester and have a penthouse there.

"Cheryl": I'll be there :)

How could I possibly get there without a car and without anyone knowing?


I took a bus to downtown Winchester. I pulled up his address on my phone and looked for his apartment complex. He lives in a very tall and fancy high rise building.

He buzzed me in and I took the elevator to the top floor.

When he opened the door, I was blown away by how fancy his apartment was. He must be filthy rich.

"Welcome to my apartment," he said.

"It's very nice," I said.

"It's only temporary, I plan on buying a house soon," he said.

I looked around and observed some more.

"Can you cook?" he asked.

"Yeah, my mom taught me from a young age since she's rarely ever home," I said.

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