Chapter 43

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After a while, the contractions stopped. False alarm.

I felt the baby kick. Soon enough, I won't be so alone anymore.

"What are you going to do about all these stretch marks?" he asked.

"There's nothing I can do, it's normal," I said.

"No, you're going to work out more once this baby comes," he said.

I just rolled my eyes and ignored him. I didn't have the energy anymore.


I started feeling contractions.

"I need to go to the hospital," I said, "now."

"Fine, but no funny business," he said.

He blindfolded me so I could not see anything. I felt him carrying me on a dirt path, and we eventually got on a boat. Eventually, we got to his car and he drove me to the hospital.

He took off the blindfold and we went up to the labor and delivery emergency department.

After getting hooked up to monitors and having tests done, I finally got some answers.

"You're having Braxton hicks  contractions, you're not in labor yet," said the doctor, "so I'm going to discharge you."

"No please," I said.

"You heard the doctor," said Archer, "let's go home."

I couldn't even get a moment alone to get help.

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