Chapter 4

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"So, what do you want to do?" asked Archer.

"Let's go to the arcade," I said.

"Sure, lead the way," he said.

We got into his car and I gave him directions. We got inside and it was completely filled with people.

"I've always wanted to do an escape room," I said.

"Then that's what we will start with," he said.

We went over to the escape room and they locked us in the room. We worked together to solve the puzzle so that we could get out. He was so smart, he knew how to find all the clues. I just wanted him right then and there.

After we escaped, we played some retro games.

"Do you come here often?" he asked.

"I do actually. I love playing games but I was never able to afford any gaming systems," I said.

He didn't say anything, just continued playing Pac-Man while I played Mappy.

After that, we played a game of laser tag and then a game of bowling.

"Wow, you really made me feel like I was in high school again," he said.

"Is that a bad thing?" I asked.

"No, it was good," he said, "now it's my turn to decide what we're doing for the rest of the night."

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a surprise," he said.

We got in his car and he drove to Gamestop.

"Why are we here?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said.

I followed him inside and he went up to the counter.

"I have an order for pick up for Archer," he said.

The guy at the counter handed him a big box.

He loaded it into his car and we went back into his apartment.

He opened the box, revealing a brand new PS4 and a bunch of games.

"I thought I'd get you a gaming system that you can play while you're staying here," he said.

I gasped, "wow, thank you!"

"Thank you what?" he asked.

"Thank you, daddy," I said.

"That's my little girl," he said.

He hooked it up and let me play on it for the rest of the night while he did work on his laptop.

He kissed me on my way out and slipped me a small white envelope.

"What's this?" I asked.

"I promised you a weekly allowance," he said.

"Thank you daddy, see you next weekend," I said.


I saw my friends at their lockers Monday morning.

"Hey guys," I said, opening up my locker. Our lockers were all next to each other's.

"Hey Lucy, we were just talking about the Overwatch game we played last night," said Colette.

"Oh you guys should add my gamer tag, it's cherrybomb, no spaces," I said.

"You got a PS4? How?" asked Colette.

I couldn't tell them the truth, at least not yet. They would freak out, especially since they saw him and thought he was creepy.

"It was a late birthday present from my mom, she was able to spare a few extra bucks," I said.

"Wow she really went all out to make your birthday special. That's awesome, we'll add you. Let's play soon," said Ana.


I arrived at his apartment on Saturday.

"Come sit down at the table, dinner is almost ready," he said.

There were some bowls of snacks set out on the table along with a gift bag.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Open it, it's for you," he said.

There was an envelope with $1000 in cash and a pair of booty shorts.

"Shorts?" I asked.

He put our plates of pasta on the table.

"I figured you'd want to change out of your jeans into something more comfortable while you stay here," he said.

I blushed, he totally just wants to look at my butt.

I went into the bathroom and I changed into my new shorts. Then I sat down and ate.

After dinner, I played Overwatch with my friends. I kept glancing back at him, wondering when he was finally going to make a move.

But, he never did and I went home.


The next day, my friend's came over.

"My mom is on another business trip all weekend so we have the house to ourselves," I said.

"Hey, where's your PS4?" asked Colette.

I just gave her a blank stare, I couldn't even come up with a believable lie.

"Okay, you caught me. My mom didn't buy me a PS4, my boyfriend did and I keep it at his house," I said.

"You have a boyfriend?! Who?" asked Ana.

"He's older," I said.

"So he's a senior?" asked Ana.

"No he's older than that," I said.

"College freshman?" asked Colette.

"Yeah, he's in college and you can't say anything to anyone about this," I said.

"Don't worry, your secret's safe with us," said Ana, "so your PS4 just stays in his dorm?"

"Yeah, I play it whenever I go see him which is every Saturday usually," I said.

"That's awesome, I'm so happy for you," said Colette.

"Thanks, he's a really great guy," I said.

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