Christmas Special!!

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Its Christmas special time! This special will have nothing to do with the actual storyline and anything that happens will have no effect on the actual story,(*wink wink*) So basically this is it's own separate thing.
It will also be bouncing around different pov's, so hopefully you dont get too confused.
Well, without further ado, I give you...

*curtains open and Christmas music starts playing as the characters get on scene*

Sage's POV

It was getting colder. In fact, it was snowing pretty regularly. Rem's fur was fluffier, V's scales got thicker and me and Lance had bought coats at the market on the island we were staying at for the winter. The island was a really nice one. It was quite big, the village on the cost. Ponds dotted the whole area, one running into the cave we were calling home for now.

The best thing about having a dragon with you in the winter, you dont need to start a fire by yourself.

According to the village people it was the 23rd of December. It was almost Christmas. All though I doubt anyone celebrated it here. The 25th of Decemeber had no significance to the people and animals of Eladea.

"Sage, what's wrong?" I heard Ren ask. Appaerantly my disappointment found it's way onto my face.

I look from the fire we were huddled around to the blizzard raging outside the cave entrance.

"Nothing its just...I'm remembering the feeling I used to get this time of year back home." I say.

"What do you mean? Why does this time of year have any significance?" V asks.

"Its almost Christmas." Lance states.

"Chris-mass? What is chrismass?" Ren says, confused.

"Oh it's the wonderful time where family gets together, people put up lights and decorations, a certain kind of music plays over and over and people put up trees in there family rooms so they can decorate them." Lance explains.

"And then, on Christmas day, the 25th, people wrap gifts and put them under the tree, and give them to eachother. Though parents tell children it's a man called Santa bring the presents, by dropping down the chimney." I finish.

V and Ren looked even more intrigued. "Tell us more."

"Well, many people go to parties. Then there's the fireplace. That's the best part. And there's this thing called the mistletoe. People hang it up under doorways and such, and if you and another person are found under it you have have to kiss." Lance continues.

"Hm...seems....pleasant." V says blatantly.

"Oh yes it is. It's the most magical holiday of the year. I remember before my mom left, my entire family would spend the entire day of December 1st decorating the house, putting up lights outside and hanging ornaments on the tree. We would laugh and have an amazing time. Liam, my little brother, would get this sparkle in his eyes as we set the Mike and cookies out for Santa. He would keep me up the entire night because he was too excited." I pause to chuckle at the memory. Everyone was turned to me and were smiling as I told them my story. Normally I would feel weird talking like this in front of people, but the boys made me so comfortable. They let me be myself. Against the warm light of the fire I gestured as I continued my story.

"In the morning Liam would get up super early to open up his presents. Then we would spend the day playing with our toys. And at night, my mom would slave away in the kitchen, and we would all sit down at the table and have the most amazing meal." I pause, getting to the touchy part of the story. But I can trust them. I know I can.

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