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Unknown POV

I walk through the busy halls. Not really going anywhere in particular. I'm scouting out the moods of the servants and knights around me. I search their faces as they walk past. Some are blank faced as they go about their day. Some are smiling and greeting each other as everyone gets ready for their morning duties. And some look tired, like they got no sleep the night before and are upset they have to work today.

No matter their moods. They all acknowledge me as I walk past. Most just nod their heads to me, the rest fall into a shallow bow.

I enjoy it.

Watching as they show the respect another man has earned onto me.

Hands behind my back, I smile politely at them all. I feel disgusted by the façade I have to keep up. How dare these peasants expect me to greet them as they have greeted me?

I make my way to a part of the castle that no one has occupied.

I let my fake smile and friendly face fall away.

"How much longer must I keep this up?" I mutter under my breath.

I hear him chuckle in my mind.

"Patience my friend. Your suffering will soon come to an end. By tomorrow's sun the king will be dead. And you will arise in your rightful place on the throne." His deep, gravely, and powerful voice says.

"Prince Andrew!" I hear someone call. I don't turn around and I keep walking. They aren't talking to me, right?

"Prince Andrew!" The servant calls again. At this I turn around, remembering who I am, or more, who I look like.

Putting on my mask of friendliness again, I smile at the peasant.


"King Otto wishes to see you." 

"Oh. Thank you. I shall go to him immediately. I presume he is in the throne room?"

The servant nods and I nod back at him before turning back around and walking towards the throne room. What could this idiot possibly want this time?

~ ~ ~

I enter the throne room to see King Otto sitting on his throne, talking with his, or should I say my, head knight. He glances up, seeing me standing there and his face brightens.

"Brother! How nice to see you!" He gives the knight a look and the knight nods, him and the others move to exit the room.

The head knight was a strange creature. He was essentially a rat. What was his name again? Rener? Renoote? I could care less honestly.

Once the large doors closed and it was just me and the King, he looked back at me with his warm hazel eyes. His blonde hair drops slightly in his face, gray streaks appear every once in a while, showing his age. The man was tall, about 6'0 and very agile and lean. He was handy with a sword but he had got rusty as he aged. He was around 40 and had a gentle but strong look about him. He wore formal, kingly clothes and had a strong English accent.

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