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This is it my friends. The end. WOOOO its been a trip hasnt it? Let's finish it off with a happy note shall we?

Just saying, its gonna be another long one


Sage's POV

Five years after Dooms Day

My eyes slowly flutter open as the soft sunlight filters through the curtains. I slowly rise to a sitting position, yawning and stretching. I open my eyes, rubbing the sleep out of them, and glance around my large chamber. The violet drapes, quilts, and flags on the walls fill my eyes, all with white accents, or the famous white dragon of Derynas Castle.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed, my bare feet touching the cold stone and sending a shiver down my side. I patter over to my window, looking put over the courtyard, noticing th rising sun, and how still everything was, everyone not quite yet awake. Well, expect for me. And another.

I jump as the sound of feet pattering across my floor sounds in the quiet chamber.

"Oh! My lady! Good morning!" A friendly, slightly submissive voice sounds out. I turn around, slightly surprised.

"T! What did I tell you about tending to me in the morning? Also its Sage, we've went over this." I reply to Terrona, my maid.

I dont like to referring to her as my maid, but she insists I do. Just like I insist I am not to be called "your majesty" or "my lady". I tell everyone to either call me Sage, or if they felt weird referring to their queen by name, "ma'am"

Terrona sighs, rolling her eyes slightly, trying to not let me see her do it. Although I could care less. She puts down some fresh sheets she had in her hands and looks back at me, a strand of her dark curly hair breaking free from its bun and falling down in her face. Her dark eyes fine mine as she stands there for a second.

"Alright then, ma'am," She says, putting emphasis on the word. "Hie shall we have your hair today? It is a pretty big day after all." She turns around to meddle with the breakfast on the table she stands near.

"What's the occassion? I dont remember scheduling any banquets or meetings. A knighting ceremony perhaps?" I ask as I make my way towards my breakfast, my long hair falling over my shoulders. I had let it grow out, it now reaching a little past my hips.

Terrona stops in her tracks and turns to me, exchanging her prior annoyance with a mixture of bafflement and excitement. "How could you forget, my lady! She starts.

"Ma'am." I correct her, sitting down and beginning to nibble on the grapes at on the plate. She ignores me.

"Its your fifth anniversary of taking the throne!" She exclaims. I look up at her, her glowing light brown skin turned golden in the rising sun. I remember Ren telling me one of his knights, TJ, had a crush on her. I could see why, she was quite beautiful, despite her denying it. I might have to try to get them together sometime. She deserves someone nice.

"Oh? Was that today? Already?" I answer with a quizzed expression, taking a bite of a sausage in front of me.

"Why of course! We have to get you dressed in beautiful clothes for the celebration! And do your hair of course. The servants have been decorating the ball room for two days now so that talent care of. Bathe you, put on your makeup..." She rambles on.

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