Chapter 11

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Am I the only one that feels this song is great for Merlin? Like, I can totally see him singing this song.
Anyway let's get into it.

"Comon! What are you?! A 5 year old girl?! Pick up the pace your majesty! Go!" I jog beside Lance. He is drenched in sweat when only a few droplets fall down my face.

I'm running right along while he's practically dieing. We had done two laps around the island, a bunch of intense exercises, a fighting match, and repeated it. I only let him have a small break in between each activity. But I did make sure to do everything with him to not make him feel as if I was being lazy or enjoying watching him suffer.

The truth was I was pretty proud of him. When we first started he could barely get through my exercises and drills without passing out. Now we had been going for a good hour and a half and he was just now loosing it. He had gotten stronger. When I saw him for the first time in Eladea he had been a twig. He was still skinny and small in stature, but he had filled out considerably.

He used his height to his advantage in most of out fights. He was much taller than me at 6'2. I was only about 5'9. Most coaches would be mad or discouraged, but I encouraged him. In a real fight when your life is on the line, you have to use every resource available to assure your victory.

I think the thing that impressed me the most, was of course his fast learning, (I had almost taught him everything I know because of it) but it was the fact he never complained. Not once. He would do anything and everything I tell him to do without fail.

I eye him beside me. He was almost done. He was slowing down considerably and his breathing was becoming quick and labored.

"Alright Griffin go take a break." I say, stopping and putting my hands on my hips to catch my breathe.

He practically collapses before I even finish my sentence. The sand of the beach we were jogging on gets in his hair and on his clothes. The waves from the sea barely touch his outstretched fingers as he closes his eyes and tries to catch is own breath.

I decide to sit down beside him. I sit back on the clean white sand. I look out onto the ocean, the cool sea breeze bringing the scent of salt with it. It was a nice day. The sun was high in the bright blue sky. White, fluffy clouds float weightlessly in the clean air.

A flock of seagulls fly by overhead, filling the air with their cry's. I spot a few splashes on the horizon, followed by  grey blobs jumping out of the ocean. Dolphins. I smile, Liam's favorite animal was always dolphins. He longed to go to an aquarium so we could see them, but we never had the money and I never had the time to take him. Maybe I'll find a cheap one to take him to when I get back. He deserves to see dolphins after all he's went through.

I wipe the sweat off of my forehead and breathe in deeply, my breathing having calmed and went back to normal.

Lance sits up and leans back on his palms. We are sitting side by side, watching the beautiful ocean.

"You did good today." I say, not looking away from the scene in front of me.

"Thanks. You didn't do so bad yourself. Maybe one day you'll get on my level of athleticism." He jokes. I chuckle and look over to him, faking annoyance. He wears a big, joyful smile on his face. I never noticed how amazing his smile is.

I yawn, stretching out my arms. "Well, I'm pooped." I say blatantly.

I lean over, shifting so my head is towards Lance and I place it in his lap.

"Wake me up in an hour or two." I joke, closing my eyes. I feel him shifting around a bit, and then he stills. It was just a joke, he probably wont stay there until I wake up. I smile at successfully trapping him.

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