Chapter 26

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Sorry not sorry

Tw: heated argument and deprecating words that could possibly make someone upset


Tempus's POV

I take a deep, shaky breath in, and let it out slowly. He must be doing something to that "chosen one" or else I wouldnt be in this much pain. I'm still not quite certain why it creates such pain in my whole body when he talks to her, but some mechanic I dont understand is at play.

"Sire!" loud. Quiet down please.

"Silence." I mutter, barely audible.

"Sire this is urgent!" Ugh...making me do actual king stuff when I'm in thus much pain. Typical.

I look up from my lap, resting my head back on my throne. I look down my nose at the man in front of me, my head knight. He looks bloodied and battered. Why? Oh yeah I sent him to capture those traitors. Didnt I send Griselda with him? Where is she? Wait a minute...he hasnt bowed to me yet, has he?

"...I would think about your next actions very carefully." I say dangerously low. The knight immediately goes pale and drops to one knee, lowering his gaze. I let him sit there for a while so he can think about his mistake, before letting him up.

"Now why have you bothered me?" I say, my voice monotone. This better me good.

"Sire, the platoon you sent after the chosen one and her allies, the one Lady Griselda lead?" He asked. I nodded once. "Well sire...I'm afraid I dont bare good news. Only myself and 8 others made it home...your niece was not one of them." He says slowly, carefully. As if he was speaking to a short tempered child.

"W-what." I stutter. There were at least 50 men in that platoon. I sent only the best. Hand picked by me! How...and Griselda. No no no...she's my only relative still...she's the only one I have...she cant- I cant...why her? She's my best fighter she couldnt have...could she?

I feel a slow, dangerous blackness crawling up my body, like a rabid beast. I start breathing heavier, trying to suppress it. I cant let it out. Not here. I- I dont wanna hurt more innocent people.


"Oh great you're back"

What do you think? I would leave you to make dumb decisions? Your worthless without me.

"Yeah okay whatever."

Why did you summon me? What is happening. What did you do this time dimwit?

"Im kinda in the middle of a conversation here."

Whatever I'll just read your memories.

"Yeah you do that." I come back to reality to see my head knight staring at me. Oh yeah...I forget I talk outloud when talking to him.

"Did uh...Did anyone see her body?" I ask calmly. The knight shakes his head after a moment. Then she still has a chance of being alive, right?

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