Chapter 5

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Hi! So I have decided that at the beginning of each chapter, up there ^^ I will put a song that either I like, or one I think goes with what happens that chapter. Alrighty, now that's cleared up, let's get into it!

"There! Get them!"

I hear a man yell. Looking out from the  alleyway I see a bunch of knights running towards us. There was at least 30 men.

"Whelp. So much for blending in. Guess we are leaving with a bit of a ruckus." I say, unsheathing and gripping my sword tightly.

I look to Renate, who also got had his sword. I look to Lance, of which chose a nice stick to battle with. I nod to them and we throw ourselves into the frenzy.

I immediately slice ones stomach, right in between his armor.

I twist around a man's back and hit the back of his head with the butt of my sword. He collapses as I duck to dodge a swing.

But I get hit from something from behind me. I face plant and barrel roll away just in time from being stabbed. I vault up onto my legs and drop to the floor, swinging my leg around, I knock three off their feet.

I quickly get back up and immediately  block a swing with my sword. I push the sword back and punch the owner of it.

Hacking and slicing my way through the crowd I see Renate jumping from shoulder to shoulder, slicing necks as he does.

I spot Lance beating people over the head with his piece of wood.

Suddenly, I feel pain erupt in my cheek. My head whips to the side. I pause, my hair covering my face from the attacker. I slowly put my hand up to my lip, coming away with blood. I carefully, slowly rise to my full height.

The man that had punched me looked no more than 17. He visibly gulped at seeing me. He was literally shaking in his boots.

I sigh and with one quick jab I knock him out clean.

"Stay down kid" I say before jumping back into the fight.

I easily block two different sword swings and twist my sword, making them both drop their weapons. I hit one in the chin with the butt of my sword right before I swung around and roundhouse kicked the other one in the temple.

I look up to see a clear shot to the open street.

"Renate! Lance!" I call. They both look up and run towards me.

I start running through the opening, dodging sword swings and quickly blocking others.

I feel Renate land on my shoulder and see Lance catch up to me.

We run down the street, at least 15 men chasing after us. Looking around, I run straight through the thickest crowd I could find.

Weaving my way through the people, I notice they are discreetly making way for us, making it easier to run through.

Risking a glance behind us, I notice the people crowd around Tempus's men, making it virtually impossible for them to get through the crowd.

"Wow. That was surprisingly easy." Lance says as we run through an almost empty street.

I turn a corner and immediately slide to a stop, Lance running into me.

"Wha-?" He starts but his unspoken question is answered when he sees the dozen knights running down the street, right towards us. We turn to run down the opposite street but are greeted by the same scene.

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