Chapter 19

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Uh...idk why I'm writing this...theres nothing to say. Um...enjoy?

Oh! Yes! Note for my future self:



Sage's POV

"I- How- How did you get here?" Lance asks, the single tear he had shed still making it's way down his cheek.

"I could ask you the same thing." Kira answers with a chuckle. "I don't remember much. We were at the store, I went through a door, and I was on this beach and when I turned to go the door was gone." She explains simply, putting a hand over Lance's of which was on the side of her face.

"I just- I cant even-" He stutters along, obviously the right words having left him. "I thought I lost you." He admits finally, more tears breaking free from his eyelids.

She suddenly pulls him into an embrace. Lance grins through the tears as he squeezes his eyes shut, holding her as if he let go she would disappear again. He picked her up with ease, swinging her around in a circle while chuckling in pure joy. With a final sigh he set her back on the ground. They pull apart and Lance quickly wipes his tears, still grinning like an idiot. Kira doesnt even bother with her own tears, just letting them hang there.

"Oh! Yes of course! What am I thinking? Introductions!" Lance declares suddenly. "This is Sage-" He starts, gesturing to me, but Kira cuts him off.

"Sage? The Sage?!" Kira says in whisper yell to Lance.

"Uh, yeah haha." Lance replys awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"She's shorter than I imagined. And not quite as buff as you explained, Lancy." Kira says in a straight face. I grip the hilt of my sheathed sword, my teeth slowly grinding. She better not be serious. But suddenly, she breaks out into a huge grin.

"Kidding! If anything you're the opposite. I mean, dang girl! Those are some serious guns!" She says with a chuckle. "And you're beautiful, and you are awesome with a sword. I mean comon! Leave some greatness for the rest of us!" She continues. Am I blushing? Oh I am definetly blushing.

"Oh um...thank you." I saw with a bright smile. I like her. She leans back and puts her hand up to her mouth. Lance leans down, knowing its ment for him.

"I didnt know you were such a good fisherman Lancy, cause she's quite the catch." She says in a whisper, attempting for it to be just for Lance, but failing miserably. Everyone bursts out laughing, well exept for me and Lance. We both go bright red and try not to make eye contact. But, with a simple deep breathe my blush goes almost completely away. Lance on the other hand, is still as red as a tomato.

"Alright now, come in! Dinners almost ready. You can introduce me to the rest of your crew and tell me your story while we eat." Kira says, leading the way deeper into the cave.

~   ~   ~

We had done exactly that. We got done with our tail about the time we got done eating. Lance even asked her if she would like to join us. She of course jumped at the offer as soon as it was given.

We now all were around the large fire in the middle of the vast, round cavern. The light from the fire cast long shadows that danced around the walls. The smoke let out a pleasant smell as it rose into the air and through a tiny crack in the roof.

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