Chapter 8

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(Disclaimer: this is now edited (: )

Grunting, I open my eyes, squinting against the sudden flood of light. I look up at the colored sky, pink clouds float weightless in the air. It's so peaceful. Sitting there for a moment I let my muscles wake up.

All the pain I experienced yesterday had long since passed. I get up slowly, moving Viserions sleeping head off of my lap and carefully setting it on the ground.

I smile as I see a snoring Renate sleeping on Lance's stomach. Walking past them I make sure not to wake them up. I take a short walk through the forest. Listening to the early birds as they sing a good morning to each other. I soon am standing up on a small cliff. Its only a few feet tall, but it gives me a perfect view of the rest of the island and the beautiful rising sun.

I breath in deeply, the clean, crisp air filling my lungs. Closing my eyes I let the small amount of sunlight warm me up. Opening them again I pull my brown hair back into a tight ponytail. I check the old wound on my bicep and find it's almost completely healed and doesn't hurt almost at all.

Once I'm done with that I just sit. I sit and watch as the sliver of sun slowly grows.

I think about Liam back home. I hope dad isn't being too hard on him. I hope things haven't gotten worse. I would never forgive myself if dad hurt Liam because I wasn't there to protect him. I hope Hannah is doing good, getting good grades in college. I also think about Mason. I hope his business is doing alright. I cant believe I might never see them again....well, at least I got those three dorks back at camp.

The deep reds, oranges, yellows and purples soon fade until the sky is a nice light yellow. The sun was almost completely over the horizon when I hear footsteps walking up behind me.

I instinctively tense, before hearing his voice. "How long have you been up?"

Relaxing, realizing it was just Lance, I turn my head to look at him. The corners of my mouth turn up as I see his hair all matted down on one side but sticking up on the other. His face was groggy and there were small bags under his eyes. His voice was low and gravely.

He looked at me questioningly before slowly moving his hand up to his hair, eyes going wide when he realizes he still had bed hair.

Trying his best to straighten it he walks over to me. He sits next to me and try's to rub his eyes awake.

"Since sunrise." I say, looking back at the horizon.

"What?" He asks, his tired voice bringing out the underlaying of a slight Irish accent. I remember his dad was an immigrant from Ireland. He used to teach Lance all kinds of words in Irish.

"I've been up since sunrise." I state.

"Oh. Well...did you sleep well at least?"

"Sure. Who knew that sleeping against a scaly, winged-lizard that generated fire in its body and has giant lungs so when they breath in it makes their whole body move, would actually make for an amazing night of sleep." I say jokingly.

Lance let's out a small but meaningful laugh. I smile at my success.

Yawning, I stand up, stretching my tense muscles. I shake out my numb legs and take one last look at the rising sun, letting out a content sigh.

"Comon. We should be getting back to camp. We need to get an early start today." I say, turning around to start waking back the way I came.

From behind me I hear a quiet, almost...gentle, caring voice. You could hear the smile on his face as he said it.

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